I Live Life On My Terms

I LIVE LIFE ON MY TERMS … in a state of eternal freedom, never to allow the constraints, judgments or expectations of others, limit who I know myself to be.
I NEVER aim for less than what I truly desire.
I GIVE what I want, when I want, to whoever I want, as often as I want and I’m open to receive as well.
I tell the TRUTH to myself no matter how much I think it might hurt.
I search for the POSITIVE ASPECTS in everything.
I ACCEPT we are all doing the very best we can, no matter what crazy behaviours we sometimes demonstrate.
I WON’T pretend to be less than the incredible person I know I am just so someone else can feel better.
I ADORE myself, but if others don’t, that’s OK too.
I’m open to find HAPPINESS, ECSTASY and BLISS in as many places as I can.
I APPRECIATE everything I’ve already been given … even if I might not understand its’ benefits at the time.
I’m THANKFUL for what I’m about to receive.
I choose to find something to LAUGH about every day.
I DO whatever it takes to be true to ‘who I really am’.
I IMAGINE myself living the most enchanting life and allow the universe to orchestrate the finer details.
I can EXPERIENCE the darkest despair and then rise from the ashes and know my higher self is always shining a light for me.
I LOVE unconditionally, without expecting anything in return.
I find as many reasons as possible to PRAISE myself and others.
I intend to be an UPLIFTING influence in the lives of those I touch.
I look for the MAGNIFICENCE in nature and the BEAUTY in people all around me.
I KNOW my birthright is to be whole, healthy and wealthy.
I FEEL my deepest passions and follow them with gentle persistence.
I LISTEN to the calling of my soul and surrender to it completely. ~ (Confession #499)

I’m A Creator

I’M A CREATOR … I don’t complain about my reality – I create it by pretending things are slightly better than they seem to be, by imagining a brighter tomorrow, by faking it ’till I make it and by having such a strong belief in what’s possible, that it can do nothing else but become real.


I’m Staying True To What Feels Right For Me


… when it felt better to remain faithful, even if someone wasn’t being faithful to me.
… when I stopped being negative, about other people who were often very negative.
… when I held back my criticism, of those who were prone to criticizing.
… when I allowed other people to be themselves, even if they didn’t like it when I was being me.
… when I refused to gossip, about others who were often sharing bad news.
… when I gave up trying to understand, the individuals who just didn’t seem to understand.
… when I stopped noticing what I thought was wrong with other people, and just stayed true to what feels “right” for me.


I’ve Got An Ulterior Motive

Whenever I DO something  just because it feels really good, everything else I need comes as well.

I love feeling good.
I love how everything always works out for me.
I love the endless surprises the universe delivers when I relax and trust.
I love finding aspects to appreciate.
I love noticing things that I love.
I love to enjoy my life.
I love to rant about these simple tasks that are so fulfilling.
I love to feel the energy flow through my body as I write, or speak, or laugh.
I love how life gives us so many choices.
I love knowing I can choose what I want and then go out to play and they’ll show up someday.
I love knowing what I know.
I love living as if everything is handled for me – and it always is!
I’m really glad I’m alive.

Elizabeth xox

Hardest Things Can Be The Most Rewarding

TO ACCEPT … even when I felt like condemning.
TO LOVE … even when my heart was hurting.
TO BELIEVE IN MYSELF … even when others doubted my abilities.
TO FIND STRENGTH … even when all hope was lost.
TO EXPRESS MY FEELINGS … even when I was afraid of the result.
TO TRUST MY INNER GUIDANCE … even though I was feeling stuck.
TO GO FOR WHAT I REALLY WANTED … even though it seemed unreasonable.
TO ALLOW MYSELF TO BE VULNERABLE … even when I was crying out for certainty.
TO HAVE FAITH THAT EVERYTHING IS WORKING OUT PERFECTLY … even if it seemed far from the truth.
TO KNOW IT’S OK TO BE WHERE I’M AT … because this too will change, even if I don’t know the answer, even if I haven’t found clarity, even if I’m not yet aware of the solution and even if I do nothing at all. ~ Confession #387

Changing The World


  • but I looked around and saw how incredibly beautiful it already is,
  • and I thought about how nice other people are to me,
  • and I talked about the wonderful aspects of it all,

and then I suddenly realised, I’d already MADE it better by changing my perspective, I’d already MADE a difference by soothing myself (and others) into feeling better, and then I knew, there’s NO better place to be! I really don’t need to live anywhere else at all 🙂

Sit Back And Enjoy The Ride


Some people take action, some use visualization,
some people pray, some just don’t know any way.
But for me, I relax and I flow with the stream,
and have faith that what’s happening will show me my dream.

But my dream isn’t a bigger house,
or to have more success,
it isn’t money or love or even to do my best.
It’s simply to comprehend fully, how MUCH I’ve already been blessed.

(I’ve set the wheels in motion, now it’s time to sit back and enjoy the ride.)

500 Confessions BOOK 1

A Message To My Beloved

I accept, acknowledge and adore you for all that you are.
I’ll help you to realise that you are so much more than you know.
I vow to be true to ME and encourage you to be true to YOU too.

Together we are moving into closer alignment,
enjoying more lightness, love and laughter,
sensing a renewed vigour, vitality and zest,
feeling the deep comfort of our cherished history,
and knowing the eager excitement of living
something fresh and new each day.

With a deeper appreciation of ALL the aspects
of who we are now becoming,
as we evolve through this life
alongside each other.


(author of 500 Confessions)

I’m Making Myself Feel Better

I’m telling a different story to make myself feel better.

This experience is a good thing.
Yes, it feels uncomfortable, but it makes me focus.
I know that when I ask for something, it’s given!
IT’S DONE! It really is!
All I need to do is align with what I want,
get into closer harmony with my desire,
do whatever it takes to feel better,
stop trying so hard to be so darned perfect,
and don’t criticise myself – ever!

Everything’s working out just fine,
the universe is on my side.
Pretty soon this will be a distant memory
and I’ll be focused on something else.
I reckon that help is on the way,
I can distract myself if I need some extra relief,
It’s getting a bit easier.
It’s happening.
I trust that I’m guided,
I’m happy to wait for the inspiration to act,
and I know it’s time to relax,
and let the solution
come to me.

~ From the author of 500 Confessions

Uplifting A Relationship


When someone’s not behaving well – don’t mention it.
When someone’s in a bad mood – don’t mention it.
When someone’s disconnected from “who they really are” – don’t mention it.
When someone’s felt the need to complain – don’t mention it.
When someone’s been really angry, depressed or negative – don’t mention it.
When someone’s done something that hurts me – don’t mention it.

We all know when we’re not being our best. Giving attention to the negative aspects of life adds fuel to the fire. I’ve developed such a security about who I am that I don’t need someone else to change so I can feel better … I can stop taking things so personally, I can let go of the past, I can live in the way that’s right for me and I CAN LEAD BY EXAMPLE and SHOW them how it’s done. ~ (NEW Confession #781)

Decisions That Changed My Life

I DECIDED THAT THINGS COULD BE EASIER … so I chilled out a little more.
I decided I wanted more love in my life, so I GAVE a little more.
I decided today is the perfect time, to change my point of view,
and to appreciate what I have right now as if it’s all brand new.

I DECIDED THERE WERE THINGS THAT I WANT that I believed I just couldn’t have.
Then I decided I shouldn’t want them, ’cause it made me feel really bad.
But wanting them wasn’t the problem, into my heart they’d already been thrust,
so I found the faith to remember, all I need to do is trust.

I DECIDED TO TRUST MY FEELINGS … and let them guide me through the day,
I decided that if something feels good to me, if it calls me out to play …
if it lights up my life and opens my mind, there’s nothing more I need from above,
my bright energy attracts all I could possibly want, my heart leads me back to love.

BUT SOMETIMES I JUST DON’T FEEL ANY GOOD … and it seems nothing I do or say,
can find the connection I once enjoyed, peace seems oh so far away.
It’s times like these I need to relax, to let go, to do my best,
and hand it over to “the universe” to fix up all the rest.

SO NOW I JUST NEED TO REMEMBER … there IS something I CAN do,
to make my days go better and to uplift someone elses too …
I can decide to make peace with whatever’s happening, to find the heaven contained in hell,
no matter what seems to be going wrong, remember we are loved and all is well.


(author of 500 Confessions)


You Are Perfect Just The Way You Are


I know you are perfect just the way you are, that you are completely worthy and no longer need to prove it, that you are loved and appreciated more than you will ever know,

and when I give you space to decide what’s right for you, when I trust you’re receiving your own guidance too, when I accept your uniqueness is what makes life sublime, you’ll find your own way too, just as I found mine.

~ an excerpt from 500 Confessions (CONFESSION #326)