Advice For A Happy Life – FOR MEN

15 Empowering Suggestions to make life easier, happier, and a whole lot more fun!—A GUIDE FOR RELEASING RESISTANCE.

Each suggestion in this fabulous FREE mini-book is an empowering process on its own. These insights help lay the foundation for the work (or play) we explore together in the recently published Releasing Resistance Interactive Journal. But you don’t need to purchase that to experience the benefits here. If you’ve been drawn to this mini-book for any reason, the rewards will soon become clear—just stay open to them. That’s all you need to do.

I like to call these suggestions, ‘Advice for Life‘. Pick the ones that resonate the most with you and write them down in a notepad. Read them each day for the next 17 days to remind you of the little things you can do to release your resistance to receiving whatever it is you still want to be, do, have, or create in your life.

Are you ready to set yourself free?

This FREE download includes PDF to read on your computer, iPhone, Tablet, or your Kindle app too. Enjoy!

P.S. You can find Advice For A Happy Life – FOR WOMEN here. Same books, just different covers (I am currently testing to see which one is more appealing). ~ Elizabeth xox

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How To Change Some Common Attitudes

These are some simple ways I made changes to my attitude on topics like business, relationships, friendship, mission, commitment, money, credibility, being successful, attractive, loved and being a good parent.

Once I realized how much better it felt to shift my attitude slightly like this, there was no going back … just forward, to the life of my dreams!

  • BUSINESS WAS … how can I generate the most income?
  • BUSINESS IS … how can I have the most fun?
  • A RELATIONSHIP WAS … how can I get my needs met?
  • A RELATIONSHIP IS … how can I BE, more of me?
  • FRIENDSHIP WAS … it’s all about who I’m with!
  • FRIENDSHIP IS … it’s so much more about “who I’M BEING” no matter who I’m with!
  • A COMMITMENT WAS … a vow I needed from another so I could feel safe.
  • A COMMITMENT IS … a vow I make with myself to regularly re-connect with my own deep inner security, no matter what the other is up to.
  • MONEY WAS … something I thought I needed so that I could have everything I want.
  • MONEY IS … something that just “breathes” in and out naturally, as a result of choosing to FEEL exactly how I want.

I love how that works, don’t you 🙂

  • CREDIBILITY WAS … something I thought I needed to earn, so I could be valued by others.
  • CREDIBILITY IS … something I declare privately I AM, so I can value myself first.
  • BEING ATTRACTIVE WAS … achieving an outward appearance that would make me feel happy.
  • BEING ATTRACTIVE IS … aligning with a happy inner radiance, that just makes me shine.
  • BEING A SUCCESS ONCE MEANT … proving to others how incredible I am.
  • BEING A SUCCESS REALLY MEANS … knowing so profoundly that “I am enough!”
  • BEING LOVED WAS … something I defined by how others were treating me.
  • BEING LOVED IS … something that just comes easily, when I treat myself well first.
  • MY MISSION WAS … to bring light to a dark world so I could prove my life had great value.
  • MY MISSION NOW IS … to thrive, to have fun, to find blessings, to feel joy!

“I’m not here to bring light to the world, I’m here to BE the light!”

  • MY JOB AS A PARENT WAS … warning my kids about problems they might face.
  • MY JOB AS A PARENT REALLY IS … encouraging them to listen to their own inner guidance, knowing they’ll find their own way much easier, if I get out of it.
  • CONNECTION WAS … something I needed to have with another so I could feel grounded and whole.
  • CONNECTION IS … a “feeling of oneness with everything” without needing to change anyone or anything else at all.

While I might not be able to change my circumstances immediately, I can change my attitude right now!

~ an excerpt from 500 Confessions Book 2

Quickly Change What You’re Attracting And Get What You Really Want! – FOR WOMEN


This concise yet powerful mini-guide helps you identify and shift common attitudes that create resistance in life. Sometimes, simply reading about these attitudes can spark ‘aha’ moments, revealing something you may not have noticed before. This newfound awareness can dissolve resistance, opening the door to more positive and fulfilling feelings and attract more of what you truly want, by changing your vibration, your mindset, and your focus.

These insights help lay the foundation for the work (or play) we explore together in the recently published Unconditional Happiness Interactive Journal. But you don’t need to purchase that to experience the benefits here. If you’ve been drawn to this mini-book for any reason, the rewards will soon become clear—just stay open to them. That’s all you need to do.

Here are some of the key strategies to shifting focus and changing attitudes:

  1. Awareness and Interruption: Recognize when you are engaging in resistant thoughts and interrupt the pattern. For example, if you think “There’s nothing I can do about it,” acknowledge it and then shift your focus to something more enjoyable. ​
  2. Positive Focus: Instead of fighting against something, focus on what you want. ​ For instance, rather than fighting a problem, concentrate on wellness and positive aspects. ​
  3. Look Forward: If you feel you’ve missed an opportunity, look ahead to new opportunities instead of dwelling on the past. ​
  4. Alignment: Align yourself with what you want to achieve. ​ When you are in alignment, things get done more easily and effortlessly. ​
  5. Positive Aspects: When faced with decisions, focus on the positive aspects of each option rather than weighing pros and cons, which can create conflicting thoughts.
  6. Acceptance and Choice: Make peace with where you are and choose what you want to focus on instead. ​ This helps in reducing resistance and moving towards desired outcomes. ​
  7. Unconditional Receiving: Practice receiving gifts and help without feeling the need to repay, which reduces the resistance associated with obligations.
  8. Focus on Agreement: In disagreements, focus on common ground and solutions rather than the problem itself. ​

Sometimes just reading about an attitude can set lightbulbs off in your brain—you are noticing something being said simply and clearly that you might not have ever noticed before. Just a basic awareness like this can lift the resistance, leading to a more positive and fulfilling life. And, if you stop for a moment right now and take a deep breath or two, you’ll be on your way to letting in more of those fabulous things you’ve been wishing to receive as well. 

Do you have any Attitudes that create *Big* Resistance?

Feel free to download this useful Mini-Guide and find out for yourself. By the way, our guides don’t contain marketing hype, invitations to sign up to lists, or any hidden agenda. They are created with the sole intent to assist others in feeling better in easy, sensible, sustainable, and smart ways.  Enjoy!

Elizabeth Richardson (Author & Facilitator)

P.S. You can find Quickly Change What You’re Attracting – FOR MEN here. Same books, just different covers.

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Quickly Change What You’re Attracting And Get What You Really Want! – FOR MEN


This concise yet powerful mini-guide helps you identify and shift common attitudes that create resistance in life. Sometimes, simply reading about these attitudes can spark ‘aha’ moments, revealing something you may not have noticed before. This newfound awareness can dissolve resistance, opening the door to more positive and fulfilling feelings and attract more of what you truly want, by changing your vibration, your mindset, and your focus.

These insights help lay the foundation for the work (or play) we explore together in the recently published Releasing Resistance Interactive Journal. But you don’t need to purchase that to experience the benefits here. If you’ve been drawn to this mini-book for any reason, the rewards will soon become clear—just stay open to them. That’s all you need to do.

Here are some of the key strategies to shifting focus and changing attitudes:

  1. Awareness and Interruption: Recognize when you are engaging in resistant thoughts and interrupt the pattern. For example, if you think “There’s nothing I can do about it,” acknowledge it and then shift your focus to something more enjoyable. ​
  2. Positive Focus: Instead of fighting against something, focus on what you want. ​ For instance, rather than fighting a problem, concentrate on wellness and positive aspects. ​
  3. Look Forward: If you feel you’ve missed an opportunity, look ahead to new opportunities instead of dwelling on the past. ​
  4. Alignment: Align yourself with what you want to achieve. ​ When you are in alignment, things get done more easily and effortlessly. ​
  5. Positive Aspects: When faced with decisions, focus on the positive aspects of each option rather than weighing pros and cons, which can create conflicting thoughts.
  6. Acceptance and Choice: Make peace with where you are and choose what you want to focus on instead. ​ This helps in reducing resistance and moving towards desired outcomes. ​
  7. Unconditional Receiving: Practice receiving gifts and help without feeling the need to repay, which reduces the resistance associated with obligations.
  8. Focus on Agreement: In disagreements, focus on common ground and solutions rather than the problem itself. ​

Sometimes just reading about an attitude can set lightbulbs off in your brain—you are noticing something being said simply and clearly that you might not have ever noticed before. Just a basic awareness like this can lift the resistance, leading to a more positive and fulfilling life. And, if you stop for a moment right now and take a deep breath or two, you’ll be on your way to letting in more of those fabulous things you’ve been wishing to receive as well. 

Do you have any Attitudes that create *Big* Resistance?

Feel free to download this useful Mini-Guide and find out for yourself. By the way, our guides don’t contain marketing hype, invitations to sign up to lists, or any hidden agenda. They are created with the sole intent to assist others in feeling better in easy, sensible, sustainable, and smart ways.  Enjoy!

Elizabeth Richardson (Author & Facilitator)

P.S. You can find Quickly Change What You’re Attracting – FOR WOMEN here. Same books, just different covers.

Original price was: $2.99.Current price is: $0.00.Add to Cart


This Too Will Change


TO ACCEPT – even when I felt like condemning.
TO LOVE – even when my heart was hurting.
TO BELIEVE IN MYSELF -. even when others doubted my abilities.
TO FIND STRENGTH – even when all hope was lost.
TO EXPRESS MY FEELINGS .- even when I was afraid of the result.
TO TRUST MY INNER GUIDANCE – even though I was feeling stuck.
TO GO FOR WHAT I REALLY WANTED – even though it seemed unreasonable.
TO ALLOW MYSELF TO BE VULNERABLE – even when I was crying out for certainty.
TO HAVE FAITH THAT EVERYTHING IS WORKING OUT PERFECTLY – even if it seemed far from the truth.
TO KNOW IT’S OK TO BE WHERE I’M AT – because this too will change,
even if I don’t know the answer,
even if I haven’t found clarity,
even if I’m not yet aware of the solution
and even if I do nothing at all.

I’m Aiming For Gentle Changes

Things To Leave Behind

… the idea that there are actually ‘toxic’ people to get rid of.
… conversations about the planet being in peril.
… trying so hard to be perfect.
… thoughts about being too fat, too thin, too insignificant, too overwhelmed, too useless.
… the belief I must have done something wrong to attract a negative situation in my life.
… the need to try and improve the way someone else dresses, speaks, thinks, looks, behaves.
… sharing bad news just to prove I’m normal.
… communicating while in a terrible mood.
… doubting my ability to contribute something useful to the world.
… fighting against a terminal diagnosis, a seemingly unchangeable situation or declaring it to be a tragedy.
… comparing my level of success to what someone else may or may not have achieved.
… pretending to be sad when someone dies.
… believing what’s being broadcast in the media.
… affirming the reasons why life isn’t the way I want it.
… the obsession to prove how right I am about it all.
… trying to get other people to agree.
… continuing to bring the past into the present.
… the notion that a particular group, a leader or the government need to be overthrown to make it a better world.
… doing something in an attempt to teach others a lesson.
… the willingness to defend, explain or apologise for anything at all.

Things To Do Instead

… notice that it’s simply my vibe that attracts certain people into my space and that I can change my attitude about them, any time I choose.
… explore more of the magnificence of this planet and see how incredibly well it adapts.
… let myself feel whatever I’m feeling without making myself or anyone else wrong.
… think more about my own positive aspects.
… allow what might seem like a negative situation, to turn naturally into a great benefit.
… genuinely compliment other people on their good points, or say nothing at all.
… share nice news, anytime I want.
… communicate while in a balanced mood, to make the best things even better.
… believe in my ability to contribute to the world, by being true to myself, my own needs, my inner desires.
… accept a medical diagnosis as it is, then let it pale into insignificance as I focus on things I really want to be, do and create instead.
… determine my level of success to be more about how fantastic I feel as I’m following my passions.
… remember that when someone dies, my connection to them still goes on, as I raise my vibration to meet their new one.
… believe in what I know to be true by how wonderful it feels when I contemplate it.
… affirm what I want and why I want it.
… decide what’s best for me and trust others to decide what’s best for them too.
… connect more often with what ‘my source’ knows to be true.
… look forward towards a brighter future.
… focus my attention on what’s already working, what’s incredibly beautiful and what is truly amazing about our world.
… have faith that other people will hear their own inner guidance as I stay silent about mine.
… stand with the knowing that I am perfect, you are perfect and we are perfect, just as we are.

22 Ways To Change – FREE E-BOOK


I’m not here to sell you something, I’m not offering a free report, I’m not booking a time for a webinar, I’m not intending to teach a study course. I won’t suggest you leave a testimonial, sign up for the mailing list, join us on facebook, well, you get the gist … I’m not asking you for anything at all.

The good things in life come SO much easier than that!

And that’s just what the words in this e-book will most likely give you, an easier way feel good. There are no recommendations to be given, no rules to follow, no incredible claims enclosed. There’s no advice to take, no long stories to read, no great secrets exposed. Just 22 really short and simple ways to change your attitude that will probably help you feel just a little bit better than you did before.

But don’t be fooled into thinking this e-book has no value just because you didn’t have to pay for it. I found out that some of the most wonderful things in life are FREE!

GET YOUR FREE E-BOOK NOW to read on your computer, phone, iPad or Kindle, give it away for Christmas, print it, sell it, do whatever you like with it, and know that it’s simply a gift, from my heart to yours. xox ~ From the author of 500 Confessions

Original price was: $1.50.Current price is: $0.00.Add to Cart

How To Change Unconscious Negative Thinking

1. I FOUND THAT FOOD INTOLERANCE (gluten, chocolate and sugar) … was caused by “criticism” about what other people were doing with their diets and how corporations were treating our food.

SOLUTION: Mind my own business.

2. I FOUND THAT WEIGHT GAIN (up to 10kgs) … was caused by “low self worth” and trying to love others more than I was loving myself.

SOLUTION: Stop trying to achieve some perfect standard and find ways to be satisfied with what I HAVE right now. Stop comparing myself to other women and find things to adore about WHO I AM right now. Start being aware of how I really feel and aim to feel just a little better now. Start acknowledging my secret inner desires and go for WHAT I WANT right now.

3. I FOUND THAT CRITICAL ILLNESS (undisclosed) … was caused by “constantly trying to help other people” instead of caring for my body, my connection to Source and my own needs first.

SOLUTION: I did whatever I needed to restore physical equilibrium, rediscover my true emotions and revitalize my spiritual connection. I stopped trying to tell others how they should live and now I simply show them what’s really possible.

4. I FOUND THAT A DEBILITATING INJURY … (only a matter of months ago) was the result of guilt about withholding something that someone else was wanting from me.

SOLUTION: Trust that the Universe will continue to guide me closer to the answer that best serves all those involved (especially me). ~ ER

 BRAND NEW CONFESSION TO BE INSERTED IN Book 3 … who knew there would be more 🙂


The Easy Way To Get Out Of A Rut

WHEN I’M STUCK IN A RUT … I just have to relax.

That’s not the best time to try and fix anything, that’s not the best time to make big decisions, that’s not the best time to have a meaningful conversation, that’s not the best time to do business, that’s not the best time to get in the car and drive and it certainly isn’t the best time to vent. 

The quality of my life seems to be determined more by how much I can chill out during the challenging times, stay as quiet as possible, affirm that it will pass soon enough, remember that it’s all worked out before, believe I’m being looked after and trust that better things are coming.

ENJOY THE CONTRAST … expansion is on the way.

Don’t expect to stop something unpleasant in mid-flight. Attracting contrast doesn’t mean you’re a bad person. Enjoying a happy moment doesn’t mean you’re good.  It’s just an “indication” of where your energy is currently at, that’s all! Just ride out the energy until it passes – and it will soon enough.

When I’m flying high, I always know what to do next. I feel clear. I feel sure. I feel a confident. I feel alive. I feel powerful. Wild horses couldn’t stop me from heading in the direction that feels really good in that moment, but until I’m there, I need a reminder of what works best for me.


  1. Stop what I’m doing.
  2. Breathe …………………………….. Breathe deeper ……………………………. Breathe deeper again.
  3. Change my focus, change what I’ve been thinking about, change from sitting, to standing or lying down, change the speed I’m walking, change my posture, change my clothes, change my proximity to the problem too.
  4. That usually does it for me. Life was meant to be easy.

WHEN YOU FEEL SOME RESISTANCE LIFT … That’s the time to celebrate. That’s the time to say your affirmations. That’s the time to write. That’s the time to share your story. That’s the time to make love. That’s the time to DO whatever your bliss is calling you to do. The energy that flows freely during this time achieves a thousand times more powerful than at any other. You know it well. ~ ER


P.S. Does that work for you too?

I Live Life On My Terms

I LIVE LIFE ON MY TERMS … in a state of eternal freedom, never to allow the constraints, judgments or expectations of others, limit who I know myself to be.
I NEVER aim for less than what I truly desire.
I GIVE what I want, when I want, to whoever I want, as often as I want and I’m open to receive as well.
I tell the TRUTH to myself no matter how much I think it might hurt.
I search for the POSITIVE ASPECTS in everything.
I ACCEPT we are all doing the very best we can, no matter what crazy behaviours we sometimes demonstrate.
I WON’T pretend to be less than the incredible person I know I am just so someone else can feel better.
I ADORE myself, but if others don’t, that’s OK too.
I’m open to find HAPPINESS, ECSTASY and BLISS in as many places as I can.
I APPRECIATE everything I’ve already been given … even if I might not understand its’ benefits at the time.
I’m THANKFUL for what I’m about to receive.
I choose to find something to LAUGH about every day.
I DO whatever it takes to be true to ‘who I really am’.
I IMAGINE myself living the most enchanting life and allow the universe to orchestrate the finer details.
I can EXPERIENCE the darkest despair and then rise from the ashes and know my higher self is always shining a light for me.
I LOVE unconditionally, without expecting anything in return.
I find as many reasons as possible to PRAISE myself and others.
I intend to be an UPLIFTING influence in the lives of those I touch.
I look for the MAGNIFICENCE in nature and the BEAUTY in people all around me.
I KNOW my birthright is to be whole, healthy and wealthy.
I FEEL my deepest passions and follow them with gentle persistence.
I LISTEN to the calling of my soul and surrender to it completely. ~ (Confession #499)

Hardest Things Can Be The Most Rewarding

TO ACCEPT … even when I felt like condemning.
TO LOVE … even when my heart was hurting.
TO BELIEVE IN MYSELF … even when others doubted my abilities.
TO FIND STRENGTH … even when all hope was lost.
TO EXPRESS MY FEELINGS … even when I was afraid of the result.
TO TRUST MY INNER GUIDANCE … even though I was feeling stuck.
TO GO FOR WHAT I REALLY WANTED … even though it seemed unreasonable.
TO ALLOW MYSELF TO BE VULNERABLE … even when I was crying out for certainty.
TO HAVE FAITH THAT EVERYTHING IS WORKING OUT PERFECTLY … even if it seemed far from the truth.
TO KNOW IT’S OK TO BE WHERE I’M AT … because this too will change, even if I don’t know the answer, even if I haven’t found clarity, even if I’m not yet aware of the solution and even if I do nothing at all. ~ Confession #387

Changing The World


  • but I looked around and saw how incredibly beautiful it already is,
  • and I thought about how nice other people are to me,
  • and I talked about the wonderful aspects of it all,

and then I suddenly realised, I’d already MADE it better by changing my perspective, I’d already MADE a difference by soothing myself (and others) into feeling better, and then I knew, there’s NO better place to be! I really don’t need to live anywhere else at all 🙂

How To Help Someone Else

Every person and each situation can be improved/helped by

CHANGING A THOUGHT from despair to hope.
CHANGING WORDS from “I don’t know what to do” to “I’d like to know what to do”.
CHANGING FOCUS from discussing the problems to discovering solutions.
CHANGING ATTITUDES from “life is hard” to “life presents endless opportunities”.
CHANGING BELIEFS from “it’s impossible” to “you never know what might happen”.
CHANGING PHYSICAL POSITION from sitting to standing, inaction to action, clenched muscles to a more relaxed state, breathing shallow to breathing deeper.
CHANGING A CHOICE from one of giving up an addiction to one of taking on better health.
CHANGING LOCATION from being close to what’s stimulating discomfort to closer to what stimulates peace.

The only way I can really help someone else is NOT by telling them what to do, but by influencing through living my life as an example and allowing them the space to discover what is right for themselves.

words instruct – demonstration influences – experience teaches

I Can Change


I Change my diet
I Change my thoughts
I Change who I’m spending most of my time with
I Change my environment
I Change what I think it all means
I Change the direction I’m sleeping
I Change my clothes
I Change my body posture

… but most importantly, I change the story I’m telling.

~ from the author of 500 Confessions

It’s All About ME!

Who really has the power?

  • When I assume someone else is causing a problem – it’s really me!
  • When I think someone else should change – it’s really me that needs to change my attitude!
  • When I focus on what someone else has done wrong – it’s really me who’s focusing in the wrong direction!
  • When I believe someone’s stopping me from having what I want – it’s really me preventing good things from coming!

Everything starts, continues and ends with the attention I keep giving to it – period!


P.S. This is such a liberating perspective, and when I finally GOT IT, one of the most significant relationships of my life transformed in a miraculous way overnight. I love it when things like that happen. But I was ready. You can’t fake or force a transformation. You can only be open and welcoming and willing and “allow it to be”.