How I’m Feeling Determines My Results

How I’m Feeling Determines My Results


It’s just responding to how I am feeling. There’s nothing I need to learn, but there’s something I’m welcome to BE … hopeful, positive, trusting and with a feeling of complete and utter faith that what I want, is on its way to me!

Elizabeth xox

Published byElizabeth Richardson

As the author of over 15 Feel Good books, I use the power of simplicity—offering bite-sized insights that gently nudge you from one emotional state to the next. There is nothing to learn—only better feelings to embrace. This IS the leading edge of Human Upliftment, and it only gets more exciting from here!

1 Comment

  • Michel

    September 24, 2018 at 1:13 pm Reply

    I decided to feel stronger every day. I decided to feel good when I had reasons to feel bad. I decided to be nice to a stranger again. I decided to call an old friend I hadn’t seen. I decided to share what I feel.
    I decided to paint a rainbow in my heart that is 7 colors. I’m going to share all of them soon. Next week the rainbow in my heart will expand to 13 colors.

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