THERE IS NOT MUCH I CAN DO TO CHANGE OTHER PEOPLES OPINIONS ABOUT ME … but what I can do is be so convinced so sure and so knowing of “who I really am” that it makes me more determined to live my own life without judgment.
I Have No Regrets
I HAVE NO REGRETS … and if YOU also knew what was on its way to you right now, you would not use one moment shedding a tear of regret, one instant thinking about what you would have done different, one minute worrying about what you’ve lost … you would only think about what there…
I’m Already Successful
CONFESSION #538 I’M ALREADY SUCCESSFUL … Success isn’t something I achieve at the end of the journey. I feel incredibly successful each day as I relax my worries, tend to my happiness, do what I love to do, and then watch as amazing opportunities are presented, tasks are done with a sense of delight and everything unfolds…
I’m Happy Any Way
I’M HAPPY ANY-WAY I don’t wait for something to happen and THEN feel good. I find as many things as possible to feel good about NOW and then watch in incredibly excited, child-like anticipation, as even more good things roll in. ~ from the author of 500 Confessions
How To Help Myself
INSTEAD OF EXPECTING SOMEONE ELSE TO HELP ME I decided to stop for a moment, to take a deep breath, to feel the love in my own heart … where help is always waiting, where peace can be sought, where stillness is found … in any moment, through any crisis, despite any fear and in…
You Are Perfect Just The Way You Are
I’M NOT HERE TO FIX YOU I know you are perfect just the way you are, that you are completely worthy and no longer need to prove it, that you are loved and appreciated more than you will ever know, and when I give you space to decide what’s right for you, when I trust…
Anything Is Possible
WHEN I WANT IT WITH ALL MY HEART, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE I WANT TO FEEL SO GOOD on the INSIDE that no matter what other people think, I know I am amazing. I WANT TO LOOK SO FABULOUS ON THE OUTSIDE that no matter what other people say, I’ve already decided I’m really beautiful. I…
I’ve Found Love Everywhere
I’VE FOUND LOVE IN ALL SORTS OF PLACES In the silence of my heart and through the words from my lips, in the stillness of the moment and the fury of intense passion. I’ve felt it in sorrow as well as in great joy and known its beauty in death and in a baby’s first…
I Have No Need To Fight
CONFESSION # 62 I HAVE NO NEED TO FIGHT I would lay down my words peacefully so you can feel better. I have no need to hold grudges I would place what’s happened in the past and leave it there where it belongs. I have no need to be right about anything at all Inside…
The Best Things
THE BEST THINGS ALWAYS START – in my imagination, sown by desire, cultivated through belief, planted firmly with faith, fertilized by conversations, left to rest in the dark, expanded in the light, showered with abundant love, grown gently inside my heart and now they live and breathe and blossom magnificently, into MY version of living…
I Forgive Myself
FORGIVENESS ISN’T SOMETHING I NEED FROM OTHERS it’s something I give to myself so I can let go the wrongs from the past and live fully right now in the present. From 500 Confessions Book 1
How To Feel Wealthy
I ALWAYS FEEL ABUNDANTLY WEALTHY Especially when I take the time to appreciate, what I’ve already been given. From the author of 500 Confessions
I Found Satisfaction
CONFESSION # 84 I STOPPED COMPARING MYSELF TO OTHER PEOPLE Instead I decided to love my life just the way it is, to love my mate just the way he is and especially to love myself just the way I am … there’s a tremendous feeling of satisfaction in deciding that. 500 Confessions BOOK 1
How To Stop An Argument
TIP #13 … I ONLY HAVE ONE TIP ON HOW TO STOP AN ARGUMENT Decide that feeling good is far more important than being right! ~ from the author of 500 Confessions and TIPS TO MAKE LIFE EASY
I’m A Player
Life is meant to be fun, to be heart-warming, to be enjoyed, to be lived to the fullest. I regularly get involved in games like – Find the positive aspects of this person. How many genuine compliments can I pay. What’s the most uplifting thing I can say. Seek the blessing in this situation. But…
I Want You To Be Happy
I WANT YOU TO BE HAPPY … but if I sacrifice my happiness so you can have yours, I’ve not only encouraged you to give your power to me, I’ve given away my own – and we both lose. I WANT YOU TO BE HAPPY … and when I fill myself up first, when I…
I’m Feeling Better And Better
What might seem like something really scary is being turned into something exciting. What might appear like the ending of a relationship is being turned into the beginning of something so much better. What might look like the basis for disagreement is turning into a foundation for truth. What might feel like the emptiness of…
I Change My Attitude First
THE WAY OTHER PEOPLE AROUND ME ARE BEHAVING … is often an indication of how I’m really feeling inside. Before I change anything else, I change my attitude towards them, what I’ve been thinking about them and how I’ve been talking about them. Before I decide that they are the problem, I decide that I…