Every person and each situation can be improved/helped by … CHANGING A THOUGHT from despair to hope. CHANGING WORDS from “I don’t know what to do” to “I’d like to know what to do”. CHANGING FOCUS from discussing the problems to discovering solutions. CHANGING ATTITUDES from “life is hard” to “life presents endless opportunities”. CHANGING…
I Like To Give People Hope
CONFESSION #142 I LIKE TO GIVE PEOPLE HOPE to help them to feel safe, let them know they are loved, spread some good news, lift them up, make them laugh, tell a happy story, remember what I like about them, pay a compliment, think about their best side, share an inspiring vision, fall in love,…
My Goal Is To Have Fun
I LIKE TO … Notice what’s working. Look for what’s right. Sense some sizzling sensations. Go after the things that shine bright. Be with people who are happy. Trust others to find their own way. Give when I FEEL inspiration. Remain quiet when there’s nothing to say. I LIKE TO … Bask in ALL of…
How To Have The Best Day Ever
TIP #52 I ONLY HAVE ONE TIP ON HOW TO HAVE THE BEST DAY EVER Here is your mission if you choose to accept it. Find as many excuses as you can to be happy, as many reasons as possible to feel good and as many things as you like to appreciate about yourself, your…
I Decide What I Focus On
I STOP GOOD THINGS FROM HAPPENING … every time I feel disappointed that I haven’t yet got what I want! I START MORE GOOD THING HAPPENING … in the moment I feel appreciation for what I’ve already been given. I DECIDE what I focus my attention on. I DECIDE the direction my mood swings. I…
How To Give Up An Addiction
If you have an addiction you’d like to let go of, here is a FREE e-book called “Get Rid Of Bad Habits – for good“, that helps to get back spiritually to the core of the issue and to start again. But … TIP #47 … I ONLY HAVE ONE TIP ON HOW TO GIVE…
I’m A Bad Girl
CONFESSION # 21 I’M A BAD GIRL but I was born to be happy, not to behave. I was born to follow my dreams, not to follow the visions of others. I was born to love with all of my heart, not to be afraid that my heart might break. I was born to live…
Giving Death A New Meaning
I’VE PUT THE LIFE BACK INTO DEATH … and instead of pretending I’m sad when someone I know dies, I imagine them having a blast in heaven. Instead of mourning the loss of someone I love, I celebrate the deeper spiritual connection I’m about to enjoy. Instead of believing that death is a curse, I…
I Have Great Faith
CONFESSION #227 I HAVE GREAT FAITH and often choose to believe blindly in something I can’t see evidence of YET. Having faith in something life enhancing transforms lives, defies reality, re-establishes wellness, harmonises relationships, renews a vision for the future and revitalizes my energy for living … But I can only instill faith in my heart…
How To Be A Good Leader
TIP #41 I ONLY HAVE ONE TIP ON HOW TO BE A GOOD LEADER The best leaders aren’t those who try to get as many people as possible to believe what they think is right (that’s being a dictator), the best leaders are those who encourage others to find their own answers, to be aware…
How To Feel Loved
TIP #51 I ONLY HAVE ONE TIP ON HOW TO FEEL LOVED Reach inside your own heart to feel the wonder, the magic, the ease, the peace, the love that IS YOU, that comes from you, that is at the core of every one of us … and then remind other people how much love they…
I Can Change
IF I WANT TO FEEL BETTER: I Change my diet I Change my thoughts I Change who I’m spending most of my time with I Change my environment I Change what I think it all means I Change the direction I’m sleeping I Change my clothes I Change my body posture … but most importantly,…
I Know By The Way It Feels
IF IT FEELS GOOD … I give it my heart and soul. IF IT FEELS BAD … I wait until I’m aligned with it fully. IF IT FEELS MEDIOCRE … I align with something else that more naturally brings a smile to my face, a twinkle to my eye and a light to my life. ~ from…
There Are Three Ways To Live My Life
THERE ARE THREE WAYS TO LIVE MY LIFE … 1. HOPE that if I am careful enough, nothing bad will happen. 2. BELIEVE that if I am good enough, God will take care of me. 3. KNOW that all the resources of the universe are on my side and I will find a way, no…
Finding Something To Appreciate Today
I MADE A DISCOVERY What I appreciate today, multiplies tomorrow. What I think about today, determines the quality of tomorrow. What I talk about today expands tomorrow. What I complain about today magnifies tomorrow. What I focus on today has the ability to make or break the future I dream myself having, so I’m choosing…
I Enjoy What I Have
I ENJOY WHAT I HAVE IN EACH MOMENT … and don’t have an expectation that it will last forever, that it will always give me what I need, that it will even be there for me to remember. Life is good now, and I peacefully let go that which no longer wishes to remain and…
Looking For Love In The Wrong Places
I LOOKED FOR LOVE IN ALL THE WRONG PLACES I thought my mate should change so I could love him more. I expected my kids to behave so they were worthy of my praise. I though YOU should believe the same things I do so I could shower you with blessings, but I was wrong.…
The Only Thing I Ask Of You
CONFESSION #162 THE ONLY THING I ASK OF YOU … is that you listen to the guidance from your heart and feel the freedom to choose what is right for you! Anything else I have ever asked of you has come from a place of misalignment, of forgetting how to meet my own needs, make myself happy, bring…