WHILE MOST PEOPLE THINK THAT POWER IS THE ABILITY TO INFLUENCE OR CONTROL OTHERS … to me, real power is when I recognize instinctively that no situation is bad enough, no government is strong enough and no other person is manipulative enough to take away, change or misrepresent who I really am inside. ~ from…
I Can Predict Your Future …
CONFESSION # 72 I CAN PREDICT YOUR FUTURE You won’t always get what you want, but you’ll get what you expect, you’ll get what you allow, you’ll get what you focus your attention on, you’ll get what you believe you are worth, you’ll also get more of what you are afraid of, what you complain…
Transforming Problems Into Solutions EASY
WHILE MOST PEOPLE WORK ON OVERCOMING THEIR PROBLEMS … I relax, remain calm, stay quiet, find peace and allow the solutions to be inspired “through” me.
I’m Making Myself Feel Better
I’m telling a different story to make myself feel better. This experience is a good thing. Yes, it feels uncomfortable, but it makes me focus. I know that when I ask for something, it’s given! IT’S DONE! It really is! All I need to do is align with what I want, get into closer harmony…
I Accept All My Emotions
SOMETIMES BEING POSITIVE JUST DOESN’T WORK when I’m trying too hard, when I’m wanting a particular result, when it just doesn’t feel good anymore. The whole purpose of being positive is because it makes me feel better! When it doesn’t, then a good dose of anger or blame seems to do the trick 😉 (then I…
How To Make Peace With Where You Are
I AM WHERE I AM and it’s the perfect place to start. I HAVE what I have, and it’s more than enough. I AM CREATING what I’m creating by what I think, say and do. I AM GOING where I’m going and a thousand angels are with me too. THE MANTRA FOR PEACE AND ALIGNMENT…
My Soul Is Calling Me
CONFESSION #520 MY SOUL IS CALLING ME to remember I have everything I need right now to know that I am enough to believe I am worth it to trust the power of my deepest desires to allow myself time to feel my inner guidance to move forward when inspiration propels me there to have…
I Found My Soul-mate
I FOUND MY SOUL-MATE … who believes in me even more than I believe in myself, … who is constantly close by to listen, to understand, to care, to comfort … someone who I can trust with my deepest desires, who always wants the best for me, … who loves me and will never leave me…
What Will Bring Me The Greatest Pleasure?
IT DOESN’T MATTER IF I BECOME A RAGING SUCCESS OR NOT What I care most about is that I’m having as much fun, feeling as much joy and sharing as much love as I possibly can. I NEVER ask, “what will give me the best results?” I ONLY ask “what will bring me the greatest pleasure?”…
Uplifting A Relationship
I HAVE AN EFFECTIVE WAY OF UPLIFTING A RELATIONSHIP When someone’s not behaving well – don’t mention it. When someone’s in a bad mood – don’t mention it. When someone’s disconnected from “who they really are” – don’t mention it. When someone’s felt the need to complain – don’t mention it. When someone’s been really…
I Welcome Problems
WHILE MOST PEOPLE TRY TO AVOID PROBLEMS – I welcome them. Without hell, there would be no heaven. Without a problem, there would be no solutions. Without questions there would be no answers. Without eternal challenges, there would be no reason on earth to grow. If I’m feeling sad, I go out of my way…
I Love And Accept ALL Of Us
CONFESSION #312 WHEN I STOP BEING LOVING … When I move away from my naturally loving nature, it stimulates a physical, mental or emotional reaction. I get sick, notice pain, feel unreasonably unhappy, have accidents, get sucked into silly arguments, or fall into unforeseen circumstances. If I have discomfort in any form, I ask, who…
One Good Reason For Me To Change
THERE’S ONLY ONE GOOD REASON FOR ME TO CHANGE ANYTHING It’s time to be the person I really am inside. CONFESSION #552 ~ 500 Confessions BOOK 2
Decisions That Changed My Life
I DECIDED THAT THINGS COULD BE EASIER … so I chilled out a little more. I decided I wanted more love in my life, so I GAVE a little more. I decided today is the perfect time, to change my point of view, and to appreciate what I have right now as if it’s all…
Be Yourself!
CONFESSION #157 NO ONE SHOULD EVER WANT TO BE LIKE ME … you should only ever want to be MORE like you! You have a unique character, special traits, deep insight, amazing passion. You have great power, internal guidance and freedom to choose. No one can sculpt your life as superbly as you and if…
I Cherish How Different We Are
I CHERISH HOW DIFFERENT WE ARE Life would be boring if we all had the same values, chose the same lifestyle, adopted the same beliefs or adhered to the same rules, for without these differences I’d have no reason to grow my heart, no purpose to expand my ideas, no need to reach for a…
I Like Myself
Confession #505 … I ONCE THOUGHT THAT “BEING LIKED” WAS IMPORTANT … now I know that “liking myself” is paramount! ~ from the author of 500 Confessions
How To Change My Mood
CONFESSION #146 … I CAN CHANGE MY MOOD It’s just as easy to focus on something that makes me feel good, than on something that makes me feel bad. It’s just as easy to praise others as it is to criticize them. It’s just as easy to imagine a wonderful future as it is to…