8 Ways to Ruin a Relationship—and How to Fix It in a Flash

    Just by talking about the negative aspects of my mate. Even thinking about faults can shift the energy, creating tension that lingers like a bad smell in the air. Sometimes, both people end up feeling awful, without even knowing why!

By remembering our happiest moments, appreciating what’s great in the present, and envisioning an even better future together. A little acknowledgment of positive behaviours goes a long way in rekindling the warmth.

    Simply by talking about problems. The more we focus on issues, the bigger they seem to grow, our level of intimacy dissipates rapidly, and the distance between us feels wider than ever.

By moving into solution mode—exploring ideas together, welcoming insights from others, and trusting that the universe is cooking up even greater solutions tailor-made just for us.

    By expecting something in return for what I give to my mate. Love isn’t about trading favours, compromising, or keeping score—it’s about free-flowing generosity. Keeping tabs can suffocate passion like taking a fish out of water!

By honouring myself enough to give what I want, whenever I want, as often as I want, to whoever I want, and NOT expect anything in return. When I treat myself well first, love spills over to everyone around me, naturally, with no strings attached.

    Is by insisting he put our relationship first above everything else—his mission, his hobbies, his friends, his work. A man’s purpose is as essential to his life as the air that he breathes. When he chooses to do it of his own free will, without prompting or guidance, well, there is not much on earth that compares to that feeling!

By nurturing my own needs, by taking time out, by treating my body, by calming my mind, by soothing my soul, and reigniting my feminine energy, knowing this fresh new glow will most likely draw him in, closer than ever.

    Is by expecting her to be calm, reasonable, and rational. (Yes, that will do it every time!)

Embracing her waves of emotion and intensity can spark the fire in a relationship in ways you might never expect. The variety she provides is like taking an incredible holiday in a brand new destination every day, for the rest of your lives.

    Is by trying to fix or change him. Nothing dims his vibe more than feeling like a “project.”

By remembering how it feels when someone tries to “fix” me or treats me like I’m flawed in some way! Let’s allow our mates be who they are without trying to steer or guide them. Time to give that up! Freedom feels fabulous.

    Is by trying to teach someone something they’re not ready to know, by trying to correct someone’s mistake when they’re not at the point of wanting deeper understanding, by offering help to another out of sympathy instead of through inspiration. Correcting, “helping,” or sympathizing, often comes across more like control than genuine care.

It’s not my job to let them know, to correct them, to teach them another way. They’ll FEEL it. The natural vibration of life draws to us the same energy that we are putting out. I have faith that balance will be restored when I relax, step aside, and allow the universe to work its magic once again.

    Is by requiring endless rules, commitments, and agreements. Needing too much certainty in a relationship reduces spontaneity, variety, and Passion.

By breaking the rules, by loving without expecting anything in return, by living on the edge, and by trusting that “who you really are inside” is enough to attract the most delightful and glorious outcomes.

It’s good to know that when I think I might have ruined something, that a simple change in attitude or approach can make it way, way, way, better than before. The power is in my hands, it always has been, and always will be. ~ from the author of 500 Confessions 

How To Handle Relationship Problems?

Problems are temporary … and only last as long as I keep thinking about them.

So I go out and have as much fun as I can and do my best to not let them effect me, or else I’d get caught up in the drama of it all and be no use to anyone.

A relationship can still thrive, even if one mate is temporally facing challenges, even if one mate seems to be temporally heading in a different direction, even if one mate is temporarily focused somewhere else, even if one mate is temporarily missing in action … ONE PERSON WHO’S ALIGNED WITH LOVE can positively influence the lives of many and profoundly shape the course of the future.

Elizabeth Richardson

P.S. I love to love and to hold the highest thoughts of my mate, no matter what might seem to be going on. It doesn’t always keep the relationship together, but it does keep ME together, and that’s the most important part of all.

How To Change Some Common Attitudes

These are some simple ways I made changes to my attitude on topics like business, relationships, friendship, mission, commitment, money, credibility, being successful, attractive, loved and being a good parent.

Once I realized how much better it felt to shift my attitude slightly like this, there was no going back … just forward, to the life of my dreams!

  • BUSINESS WAS … how can I generate the most income?
  • BUSINESS IS … how can I have the most fun?
  • A RELATIONSHIP WAS … how can I get my needs met?
  • A RELATIONSHIP IS … how can I BE, more of me?
  • FRIENDSHIP WAS … it’s all about who I’m with!
  • FRIENDSHIP IS … it’s so much more about “who I’M BEING” no matter who I’m with!
  • A COMMITMENT WAS … a vow I needed from another so I could feel safe.
  • A COMMITMENT IS … a vow I make with myself to regularly re-connect with my own deep inner security, no matter what the other is up to.
  • MONEY WAS … something I thought I needed so that I could have everything I want.
  • MONEY IS … something that just “breathes” in and out naturally, as a result of choosing to FEEL exactly how I want.

I love how that works, don’t you 🙂

  • CREDIBILITY WAS … something I thought I needed to earn, so I could be valued by others.
  • CREDIBILITY IS … something I declare privately I AM, so I can value myself first.
  • BEING ATTRACTIVE WAS … achieving an outward appearance that would make me feel happy.
  • BEING ATTRACTIVE IS … aligning with a happy inner radiance, that just makes me shine.
  • BEING A SUCCESS ONCE MEANT … proving to others how incredible I am.
  • BEING A SUCCESS REALLY MEANS … knowing so profoundly that “I am enough!”
  • BEING LOVED WAS … something I defined by how others were treating me.
  • BEING LOVED IS … something that just comes easily, when I treat myself well first.
  • MY MISSION WAS … to bring light to a dark world so I could prove my life had great value.
  • MY MISSION NOW IS … to thrive, to have fun, to find blessings, to feel joy!

“I’m not here to bring light to the world, I’m here to BE the light!”

  • MY JOB AS A PARENT WAS … warning my kids about problems they might face.
  • MY JOB AS A PARENT REALLY IS … encouraging them to listen to their own inner guidance, knowing they’ll find their own way much easier, if I get out of it.
  • CONNECTION WAS … something I needed to have with another so I could feel grounded and whole.
  • CONNECTION IS … a “feeling of oneness with everything” without needing to change anyone or anything else at all.

While I might not be able to change my circumstances immediately, I can change my attitude right now!

~ an excerpt from 500 Confessions Book 2

How To Fall In Love All Over Again


Remember what it was like when you were blind to the faults, when you asked nothing of your mate, when you didn’t need anything to be different, when you just loved wholeheartedly because it was a natural expression of your inner soul? Find that place again and live there as often as you can! Not because you should, but because it’s who you really are.


P.S. I love falling in love again and it’s totally up to me to find that vibe. What would YOU like to fall in love with all over again?

I Solve Problems In Fun Ways

I ENJOY MAKING UP WITH MY MATE … I overlook the need for an apology.

Can I instead tempt you to smear freezing cold ice-cream over my body as punishment for whatever you think I’ve done wrong?

I dunno … maybe some gentle spanking might be in order too … lol.

Sexual healing has far more success than discussing issues can possibly overcome
as it takes us out of our minds and connects us to a more spiritually fulfilling place.

~ from the author of 500 Confessions

I Know The Secret

THE SECRET TO A LOVE FILLED LIFE … Give without expecting anything in return.

THE SECRET TO A HAPPY LIFE … Please yourself!


THE SECRET TO A PEACEFUL LIFE … Care more about being happy than about being right!

THE SECRET TO A FULFILLED LIFE … Fill yourself up with whatever makes you feel good and let the excess naturally shower over others!

THE SECRET TO AN EASY LIFE … Stop trying so hard! 😉

THE SECRET TO MANIFESTING EVERYTHING I WANT IN MY LIFE … Believe that good things are always knocking at the door, and just let them in!

~ (NEW Confessions #700)

Leading A Relationship into the LIGHT – free

“Love is the most natural emotion of all.”

I’m not here to fix you, give you advice or tell you what to do. I’ve compiled this mini book because it’s been a benefit to me! The more I reaffirm what unconditional love really feels like, the more it’s enhanced my life incredibly, opened my heart wider than I even thought possible and renewed every relationship I’ve ever had, especially the relationship I have with myself!

I found inner fulfilment beyond my wildest dreams. I now know a real, a lasting and a sustainable love. I didn’t have to carefully choose the right mate or change the one I had. I didn’t need my kids to behave or to get them to see things my way. I didn’t have to forgive my parents or wait until they treated me better. I didn’t need to do anything differently or to ask anyone else to agree with me. It was much easier than that …

“I just changed my thoughts slightly, about what real love means!”

On the pages of this book are just a few simple words that when you read them, might soothe you into feeling a little bit better too, they might bring more clarity to your mind, they might open your heart wider and they might just take you even closer, to where you really want to go.


I receive such amazing benefits whenever I write, I feel so incredibly high each time I give someone else what they need, I feel completely fulfilled right where I am … that anything else is just a delightful bonus 🙂

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There’s no expectation, no obligation, no need for appreciation, it’s simply a gift, from my heart to yours xox ~ from the author of 500 Confessions

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Tips To Make Life Easier – NEW EDITION

TIPS TO MAKE LIFE EASIER – living well, letting life flow, lightening up, laughing more, loving with all your heart!

Another Book Has Been Born

But you don’t need it!
You just need a willingness to feel better than you did before.
Life isn’t meant to be so serious!
It’s meant to be great fun.
There’s nothing here that you don’t already know!
The words in this book will just remind you of it.
You have everything you need!
It’s all inside you now.
It isn’t going to change your life!
Only you can do that!

But if something about it feels good, if something about it brings relief, if something about it seems right for you – then so it is!

Here’s A Snippet of What Other People Are Saying:

That is one of the best things I have ever read in my entire 60 years of life. Thank you. – Bneta Davido

I really love your one liners ER … they are wisdom in nutshells! – Vandana Singh

Many of your tips have been food for my soul. They’ve only created more Life and to enable me to create. I’m on my next adventure forward. It is Powerful, Amazing – Life is Easy and Gives me what I BElieve and Expect. Appreciate you heaps. – Dawn Schale

Your wonderful words help me to stay on track. – Gérald Arbour

Thank you. I really needed to read from your wisdom again. A lot of people have been pulling on me in different directions and it had an effect. I am truly grateful you showed up and reminded me of who I am and why I am who I am and how much I love my self for “Being” me. – Forrest Duckson

I’m trying to change me. These words of wisdom help so much. – Joanne Miller Turinese

You make difficult things very easy to understand and to do. ER. I love your tips. – Shaukat Charania

Here’s What You’ll Find Inside

Inside this book you’ll find insights that have been drawn from solving lifes problems, answers that have been inspired from questions that so many people ask, messages of encouragement to make you feel so much better and words of wisdom to help you “remember” your own inner guidance.

Just take a look through our Tips To Make Life Easier Category and find everything you need right there. ENJOY!

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This Too Will Change


TO ACCEPT – even when I felt like condemning.
TO LOVE – even when my heart was hurting.
TO BELIEVE IN MYSELF -. even when others doubted my abilities.
TO FIND STRENGTH – even when all hope was lost.
TO EXPRESS MY FEELINGS .- even when I was afraid of the result.
TO TRUST MY INNER GUIDANCE – even though I was feeling stuck.
TO GO FOR WHAT I REALLY WANTED – even though it seemed unreasonable.
TO ALLOW MYSELF TO BE VULNERABLE – even when I was crying out for certainty.
TO HAVE FAITH THAT EVERYTHING IS WORKING OUT PERFECTLY – even if it seemed far from the truth.
TO KNOW IT’S OK TO BE WHERE I’M AT – because this too will change,
even if I don’t know the answer,
even if I haven’t found clarity,
even if I’m not yet aware of the solution
and even if I do nothing at all.

Leading Myself Into The Light – free

LIFE IS MEANT TO BE EASY, AND FUN, AND EXCITING, AND FREE … and this easy to read mini book contains the most simple yet attitude changing statements that might help you feel better, wake you up, reaffirm what you already know or have you nodding your head in agreement.

I’m not here to sell you anything, to post affiliate links or to get you to sign up on a mailing list. Nor am I going to pretend that this book is normally worth $24.95 and you are blessed to get it for free … I didn’t write this because I thought you needed to read it, I wrote this to benefit me … and adopting the attitudes contained in this series of uplifting statements has helped me live a much happier life, created income out of thin air and renewed every relationship I’ve ever had, especially the relationship I have with myself!

I found simple ways to significantly improve the quality of my life in all areas, easily, effortlessly, speedily and with so many laughs along the way. I found inner fulfilment beyond my wildest dreams. I didn’t need to change my location, my mate, my job or win the lottery, it was much easier than that … I just changed ME!

“From falling in love to achieving success. From making money to changing the world. From solving other people’s problems to what makes a relationship really work. It’s all here, waiting patiently for you to receive it.”

There are no instructions or processes, no guidelines or steps, just a few simple words that might free your mind, lighten the load, get you back on track and take you closer, to where you really want to go. Enjoy! ~ From the author of 500 Confessions.

This FREE download includes PDF to read on your computer, iPhone, Tablet, or your Kindle app too. ( We aim to please 🙂 ) Enjoy!

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Loving My Life Just The Way It Is


Instead I intend to “welcome” everything that comes my way with open arms, to find the gifts, to feel the blessings, to sense the positive intent, to understand the benefits, to accept the feelings, to appreciate the experience, to joyfully choose which parts to keep, to peacefully release the parts I’d rather to let go and to love my life completely, just the way it is.

~ from the author of 500 Confessions

The Pleasure Is All Mine

THE BEST FOREPLAY FOR WOMEN … has little to do with her mate and everything to do with the way she nurtures her body, soothes her mind and enlivens her spirit. Feeling sensual, sexy, soft, pretty, sweet, playful and naughty are useful feminine emotions that will entice the perfect masculine attention we so often crave.

Even as a single woman I would dress up and dance, soak in the tub, burn scented candles and do whatever it took to make myself feel ‘special’ … our energy attracts like bees to pollen … and our men love a reason to be out of their minds!

Don’t you agree?


Boosting The Energy In A Relationship


1. I TAKE CARE OF MY OWN NEEDS FIRST … When I’m full of love for life, the people around me are showered with affection, appreciation and praise. I need nothing from them and can give from a totally unconditional place.

“We only NEED something from others when we haven’t been looking after ourselves.” ~ ER

2. I TREAT MYSELF WELL … After studying “Men Are From Mars Women Are From Venus”, I started practicing BEING OK when a guy takes time out from the relationship (also called “going to his cave”). I make sure I treat my body, mind and soul beautifully all the time, especially while he’s temporarily absent and TRUST he will come back even stronger than before.

3. I OPEN MY HEART BEFORE I OPEN MY MOUTH … After working extensively with the teachings of Abraham Hicks, I now do whatever it takes to get myself into my happy/empowered/centered place BEFORE I start an important conversation, before I make a new decision, before we go out, before making love, before I do almost anything at all.

4. I EXPRESS HOW I’M REALLY FEELING QUICKLY – THEN LET IT GO … After many wonderful relationships I’ve found there’s nothing that moves energy quicker than being honest and open about where I’m at emotionally, BUT always with an intention to clear the air, to help myself feel better and NOT make my mate responsible for any of it … no processing, no fixing, no explaining and definitely no blaming … It helps when I start the conversation with something like, “I feel like crap and I just want to express. You don’t need to do anything, I’ll feel better soon!”

Ahhhh, I’m feeling better already 🙂

With so much love,


P.S. What things do you do that boost you up too?


The Best Way To Improve A Relationship

THE BEST THING I EVER DO TO ENHANCE MY RELATIONSHIP … is to believe my mate really is the incredible guy I love being with, to pretend he has every good quality I could possibly want and to treat him as if he is the most wonderful man in the world … and he just keeps proving that I’m right 😉

I love to talk about how much my man means to me, to think about the special things he does, to remember all the fun we’ve had, to imagine an even happier future and to catch him doing things I like and tell him how much I appreciate them. I feel so much better when I give more energy to the positive aspects and let the negative ones melt into extinction.


P.S. What’s the best thing you ever did to enhance your relationship?