My Job Is To Uplift Others

My Job Is To Uplift Others

After consistent writing one night into the small hours of the morning, I was drawn to write down my life purpose, my reason for feeling so enthused about what I do, my thoughts of what was important for me, and this is what was inspired.

CONFESSION #299 … MY JOB IS TO UPLIFT OTHERS … not to point out their weaknesses.

My job is to turn negative perceptions into life giving ones.
My job is to give hope where hope has been lost.
My job is to talk about what’s possible, not to get into conversations about what’s impossible.
My job is to spread good news, not to regurgitate the bad.
My job is to encourage each persons uniqueness, not to get everyone to agree.
My job is to celebrate individuality, not to promote sameness.

My job is to soothe you into loving yourself more, to inspire you to remember the precious connection to your higher self, to see your incredible magnificence reflected in the eyes of everyone else and assist you to align with your own soul.

My job is not really a job at all, it’s something I do for my own utter pleasure, that stimulates, elevates and aligns me with my knowing of who I really am.


So if there’s something I can do for you, if there’s a reason you’re here, if you’re inspired to connect, just leave a message in the comment box below and we’ll take it from there. I appreciate YOU being here.

Published byElizabeth Richardson

As the author of over 15 Feel Good books, I use the power of simplicity—offering bite-sized insights that gently nudge you from one emotional state to the next. There is nothing to learn—only better feelings to embrace. This IS the leading edge of Human Upliftment, and it only gets more exciting from here!

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