I’m Speaking Less and Enjoying More

I’m Speaking Less and Enjoying More

Sometimes I catch myself wanting to wedge my words of wisdom into a conversation, but words are wasted unless the other person is ready and open to receiving them. Giving unsolicited advice is like cooking meat for a vegetarian – useless and even potentially harmful.

I’m glad I’m getting better at maintaining silence, allowing other people to peacefully go their own way and it empowers me to stay firmly grounded in the beliefs that serve me the most too.


Words Instruct
Demonstration Influences
Experience Teaches

~ Elizabeth Richardson (author of 500 Confessions)

Published byElizabeth Richardson

As the author of over 15 Feel Good books, I use the power of simplicity—offering bite-sized insights that gently nudge you from one emotional state to the next. There is nothing to learn—only better feelings to embrace. This IS the leading edge of Human Upliftment, and it only gets more exciting from here!

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