I Can Focus

I Can Focus


I CAN’T ALWAYS TURN NEGATIVE ENERGY TO POSITIVE, but I CAN focus on the positive aspects of what’s happening and give more power to that instead.

  • I CAN find the blessing in every occurrence.
  • I CAN see the best in my mate and feel better about who we both are.
  • I CAN remember the fun times and speak about them often.
  • I CAN appreciate the simple things, like the birds and the bees, the grass and the trees, the rivers and the lakes, the coffee and the cakes.
  • I CAN imagine a brighter future.
  • I CAN choose to think about anything that makes me feel good.
  • I CAN decide to believe that everything always works out in the end.
  • I CAN cause myself to know, all things are perfect, just as they are.

Elizabeth xox

Published byElizabeth Richardson

As the author of over 15 Feel Good books, I use the power of simplicity—offering bite-sized insights that gently nudge you from one emotional state to the next. There is nothing to learn—only better feelings to embrace. This IS the leading edge of Human Upliftment, and it only gets more exciting from here!

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