I HAVE THE POWER The power to choose where I place my attention. The power to decide which conversations I’ll engage in. The power to take time out when I need it. The power to stop expecting myself and others to behave so perfectly. The power to think more positive thoughts, speak more supportive words…
The Pleasure Is All Mine
THE BEST FOREPLAY FOR WOMEN … has little to do with her mate and everything to do with the way she nurtures her body, soothes her mind and enlivens her spirit. Feeling sensual, sexy, soft, pretty, sweet, playful and naughty are useful feminine emotions that will entice the perfect masculine attention we so often crave.…
Boosting The Energy In A Relationship
FOUR SIMPLE (Leading-Edge) ATTITUDES THAT BOOST THE ENERGY IN MY RELATIONSHIP 1. I TAKE CARE OF MY OWN NEEDS FIRST … When I’m full of love for life, the people around me are showered with affection, appreciation and praise. I need nothing from them and can give from a totally unconditional place. “We only NEED…
What To Do If Someone Hurts Or Disrespects You
QUESTION: What do you do if someone hurts or disrespects you? ANSWER: You think about it in a different way! Whenever I decide to feel HONOURED, APPRECIATED and RESPECTED … the evidence that I am, shows itself to me. Whenever I decide to feel LOVED, CHERISHED and ADORED the evidence that I am, shows itself…
Relationships Bring Out The Best In Me
I WAS ALREADY HAPPY … but choosing someone to share life with helps me find joy, meaning and purpose so much quicker. I WAS ALREADY WISE … but being in a relationship provides greater opportunities to open my heart and mind even wider. I WAS ALREADY LOVED … but the simple things we do with each other…
Are You Ready For Some Fun?
I Claimed My Power
I KNEW I’D CLAIMED MY OWN POWER When I stopped asking others to approve, to endorse or to agree with me about anything. Confession #510 ~ BOOK 2
I Live Life On My Terms
I LIVE LIFE ON MY TERMS … in a state of eternal freedom, never to allow the constraints, judgments or expectations of others, limit who I know myself to be. I NEVER aim for less than what I truly desire. I GIVE what I want, when I want, to whoever I want, as often as…
The Best Way To Improve A Relationship
THE BEST THING I EVER DO TO ENHANCE MY RELATIONSHIP … is to believe my mate really is the incredible guy I love being with, to pretend he has every good quality I could possibly want and to treat him as if he is the most wonderful man in the world … and he just…
How To Get Your Mate To Be Faithful
TIP #44 I ONLY HAVE ONE TIP ON HOW TO GET YOUR MATE TO BE FAITHFUL Don’t expect it, don’t demand it, don’t try to enforce it, don’t make an issue of it … understand that it’s a value that someone can really only give you as a gift in each moment, when they feel like…
I Never Discuss Problems
CONFESSION # 59 I NEVER DISCUSS PROBLEMS I have learned … … that it’s best to spend only little time defining a problem, … no time at all pointing out the cause … and all the time in the world brainstorming solutions. ~ 500 Confessions BOOK 1
What To Do If Someone Doesn’t Love You
CONFESSION #550 I DON’T NEED OTHER PEOPLE TO LOVE ME. I love MYSELF so much, it makes them wonder what my secret is. 500 Confessions BOOK 1
I Appreciate The Simple Things
I APPRECIATE THE SIMPLE THINGS I woke up in a comfortable bed with a roof over my head, I breathed in the fresh air outside my window, the birds were singing and the sun shone gently. Like most people, I really enjoy freedom. But the freedom I enjoy more than any other is the freedom…
I Get Through The Tough Times
WHEN TIMES ARE TOUGH I’m determined to fly higher, so that when times are good … I soar! ~ from the author of 500 Confessions
I’m As Free As A Bird
FREEDOM IS … Choosing to be “happy” no matter what other people are doing, Choosing to feel “love” no matter what other people are saying, Choosing to find “peace” no matter what is going on in the world and Choosing to “appreciate” the blessings no matter what circumstance confronts me. ~ 500 Confessions
My Love Is A Gift
MY LOVE IS A GIFT and I expect nothing in return. What you do with that gift is entirely up to you. No matter what happens, I take each opportunity to decide who I am in spite of you, rather than finding out who I am in “response” to you. I prefer to grow in…
How To Help Someone Else Live Better
TIP #53 I ONLY HAVE ONE TIP ON HOW TO HELP SOMEONE ELSE LIVE A BETTER LIFE Lead by example, not by instruction. Speak more with your actions, not with your words. Demonstrate a life well lived and watch as others imitate. Then take it as a compliment and be aware of your incredible value!…
You Can’t Stop Me From Feeling Good
CONFESSION #382 NOTHING YOU DO CAN AFFECT ME NEGATIVELY FOR VERY LONG unless I keep on giving it my attention, keep complaining about it, keep on making you wrong for doing it AND foolishly forget that I have my own life to live 😉 ~ 500 Confessions BOOK 1