An Entire Collection of Books to Raise Your Vibration

An Entire Collection of Books to Raise Your Vibration

Lift Your Mood, Power Up Your Life, and Let Your Inner Confidence Rise

—Instantly Captivating Handbooks Designed to Make a Real Difference—

Welcome to the Feel Better Faster ESSENTIALS Complete Collection
(including the latest book Attitudes That Matter).

Imagine having an entire library of uplifting, insightful, and joy-infused resources at your fingertips—ready whenever you need a boost, a new perspective, or simply a comforting read. The Feel Better Faster ESSENTIALS Complete Collection brings together 15 of the most impactful titles, specially designed to support every area of your well-being, lifting you from any emotional state you may encounter.

Inside, you’ll find powerful tools to raise your spirits, boost your confidence, and inspire clarity in the most effortless way. This collection isn’t just about feeling better temporarily; it’s a foundation for sustained happiness, inner peace, and emotional resilience. Every page is crafted to lift you through life’s highs and lows with a light-hearted approach that makes the journey enjoyable, not a task to complete.

This ESSENTIALS Complete Collection holds a wealth of valuable vibe-raising content.

  • The flagship series—500 Confessions Books 1 and 2, along with Confessions of a Mad Man has proven to suit a broad audience, with men’s sales slightly surpassing those for women.
  • Also included is the latest book “Attitudes That Matter” — Find Your Flow, Reclaim Your Spark, and Feel More Like You Again! It provides what I call a Vibrational Reset, helping you get back in touch with the core authentic part of who you are, and is designed more specifically for women.

*Once downloaded, you are welcome to share these books with others.

Encouraging you to give away these special books isn’t traditional selling; however it is an invitation to let abundance flow freely. Many creatives cling so tightly to their work, they find it hard to let go, to trust that heartfelt giving opens the door to receiving in even greater ways. The energetic essence of money, abundance, and prosperity is most easily recognized as a cycle—circulating in and out, just like the air that we breathe—I personally like to breathe deeply, and practice doing it daily. 🧘 💨

Here’s what’s included in the Feel Better Faster ESSENTIALS Complete Collection, each delivered as an easy-to-read, print-ready PDF zipped instant download, universally compatible with every device, all at a website exclusive price:

  1. How to Feel Better About Absolutely Anything — From Despair to Hope: A simple process to lift your spirits, find clarity, and comfort.
  2. Advice For A Happy Life — 15 Empowering Suggestions to make life easier, happier, and a whole lot more fun!
  3. Quickly Change What You’re Attracting And Get What You Really Want!  — 15 Common Attitudes that create resistance.
  4. Leading Myself into the LIGHT — Open Up to Unconditional Love: Simple shifts to deepen Self-Connection & Inner Fulfillment.
  5. Leading A Relationship into the LIGHT — Wake Up to Unconditional Love: Simple shifts to Light up Your Relationship.
  6. 22 Ways to Change My Attitude — Feel Better, The Easy Way: Simple shifts to Lift your Mood and Lighten your Day.
  7. The 3 Most Powerful Questions — A Life-Enhancing Game to Play, for a day, for a week, for the rest of your life.
  8. Uplifting Words for Difficult Times — Empowering Statements to Rebuild Your Connection to Spirit After a Traumatic Event.
  9. Tips To Make Life Easier — Find Your Flow, Reclaim Your Spark, and Feel More Like You Again!
  10. 500 Confessions Book 1 — To rock your world, inspire your mind, uplift your spirit, and soothe your soul! (Standard sized text 518 pages)
  11. 500 Confessions Book 2 — Leading-edge insights to boost confidence, gain clarity, and radiate charisma! (Large-format text with 604 pages)
  12. Confessions of a Mad Man — To rock your boat, confuse your mind, question your sanity, and make you laugh! (Easy-to-read large-text)
  13. Attitudes That Matter (Easy To Read Insights for Women) — Powerful psychological suggestions to quickly boost your mood.
  14. Unconditional Happiness (Journal Workbook for Women) — “UNCONDITIONAL HAPPINESS” IS A BOOK & A WAY OF LIVING. 150 pages that takes you step by step through a series of 38 Highly Effective Leading Edge Processes, so you can LET GO the little things holding you back and LET IN the big things you really want. For action-takers ready to thrive.
  15. Releasing Resistance (Action Workbook for Men) — “RELEASING RESISTANCE” IS A BOOK & A WAY TO REDUCE STRESS. 150 pages that takes you step by step through a series of 38 Highly Effective Leading Edge Processes, from Revealing your Silent But Deadly Beliefs, How To Make Things Happen Quicker, Beating Procrastination, Transforming Relationships, Overcoming Addictions, to Starting Over so you can discover EXACTLY what’s been stopping you from having your life, the way you want it!


*  You are welcome to share these books with others freely, but please note they are NOT for resale. However, if you’re an Author or Creative who is just starting out and looking to enhance your own products/offerings with extra resources, I have a license agreement available at no extra cost. This license allows you to ADD Books 1 to 8 to a free or paid bundle on your website and MODIFY Books 1 to 9 to make them uniquely yours. Please note, this license grants customization and limited redistribution rights, but ownership remains with the original creator. If you’d like more information or a PDF copy of the License Agreement, along with an Easy Start Guide and book templates to help you on your way, simply reach out. I’m more than happy to assist. ~ Elizabeth


Original price was: $103.00.Current price is: $62.00.Add to Cart

Published byElizabeth Richardson

As the author of over 15 Feel Good books, I use the power of simplicity—offering bite-sized insights that gently nudge you from one emotional state to the next. There is nothing to learn—only better feelings to embrace. This IS the leading edge of Human Upliftment, and it only gets more exciting from here!