I’M A CREATOR … I don’t complain about my reality – I create it by pretending things are slightly better than they seem to be, by imagining a brighter tomorrow, by faking it ’till I make it and by having such a strong belief in what’s possible, that it can do nothing else but become real.
Self Confidence
Leading-edge attitudes that boost confidence, certainty, and a sense of security with who you are.
Expect The Best
I EXPECT EVERYTHING TO GO WELL … and it does. I imagine things are just the way I want them … and it makes me feel fabulous. I talk as if I already have everything I could possibly want … and even more wonderful things come along. I believe that life is meant to be…
I’ve Been Chosen
I’VE BEEN CHOSEN To live in the way that feels right for me – and so have YOU! No one else can determine what’s best; not my parents, not my culture, not my teachers, not my mate, not even my religion. My inner guidance holds to key to ALL the goodness that life has to…
I Have An Amazing Life
CONFESSION #516 I HAVE AN AMAZING LIFE … not because I was given some special gift, … not because I have everything I could possible need, … not because I was born lucky and … not because of good karma. I choose how I want to experience life each day, with as much peace, bliss,…
Changing The World
I ONCE THOUGHT THAT IF I COULD CHANGE THE WORLD, IT WOULD BE A BETTER PLACE TO LIVE but I looked around and saw how incredibly beautiful it already is, and I thought about how nice other people are to me, and I talked about the wonderful aspects of it all, and then I suddenly…
It’s None Of My Business
HOW OTHERS CHOOSE TO LIVE IS NONE OF MY BUSINESS and the less I notice what they’re doing wrong, the more attention I have to give to living in the way that is right for me, in unwavering alignment with my own integrity. CONFESSION #313 ~ from 500 Confessions
Turn The Shit Into Fertilizer
I DON’T HAVE A GREAT LIFE BECAUSE EVERYTHING GOES WELL I just accept that life has its ups and downs and choose to find creative ways to turn the shit into valuable fertilizer anyway … lol CONFESSIONS #352 – 500 Confessions BOOK 2
I Decide How I Want To Feel
Whenever I decide to feel honoured, appreciated and supported … the evidence that I am, shows itself to me. Whenever I decide to feel loved, cherished and adored … the evidence that I am, shows itself to me. Whenever I decide to feel successful, wealthy and free … the evidence that I am, shows itself…
Nothing Can Stop Me
NOTHING CAN STOP ME What I CAN do, is only limited by my desire to do it. My budget, is only limited by my creativity. My mood, is only limited by what I’m giving the most attention to. The quality of my life, is only limited by my story about it. The closeness of my…
What Is Real Power?
WHILE MOST PEOPLE THINK THAT POWER IS THE ABILITY TO INFLUENCE OR CONTROL OTHERS … to me, real power is when I recognize instinctively that no situation is bad enough, no government is strong enough and no other person is manipulative enough to take away, change or misrepresent who I really am inside. ~ from…
I Accept All My Emotions
SOMETIMES BEING POSITIVE JUST DOESN’T WORK when I’m trying too hard, when I’m wanting a particular result, when it just doesn’t feel good anymore. The whole purpose of being positive is because it makes me feel better! When it doesn’t, then a good dose of anger or blame seems to do the trick 😉 (then I…
I Welcome Problems
WHILE MOST PEOPLE TRY TO AVOID PROBLEMS – I welcome them. Without hell, there would be no heaven. Without a problem, there would be no solutions. Without questions there would be no answers. Without eternal challenges, there would be no reason on earth to grow. If I’m feeling sad, I go out of my way…
Decisions That Changed My Life
I DECIDED THAT THINGS COULD BE EASIER … so I chilled out a little more. I decided I wanted more love in my life, so I GAVE a little more. I decided today is the perfect time, to change my point of view, and to appreciate what I have right now as if it’s all…
Be Yourself!
CONFESSION #157 NO ONE SHOULD EVER WANT TO BE LIKE ME … you should only ever want to be MORE like you! You have a unique character, special traits, deep insight, amazing passion. You have great power, internal guidance and freedom to choose. No one can sculpt your life as superbly as you and if…
I Have No Regrets
I HAVE NO REGRETS … and if YOU also knew what was on its way to you right now, you would not use one moment shedding a tear of regret, one instant thinking about what you would have done different, one minute worrying about what you’ve lost … you would only think about what there…
I’m Already Successful
CONFESSION #538 I’M ALREADY SUCCESSFUL … Success isn’t something I achieve at the end of the journey. I feel incredibly successful each day as I relax my worries, tend to my happiness, do what I love to do, and then watch as amazing opportunities are presented, tasks are done with a sense of delight and everything unfolds…
I Found Satisfaction
CONFESSION # 84 I STOPPED COMPARING MYSELF TO OTHER PEOPLE Instead I decided to love my life just the way it is, to love my mate just the way he is and especially to love myself just the way I am … there’s a tremendous feeling of satisfaction in deciding that. 500 Confessions BOOK 1
I Decide What I Focus On
I STOP GOOD THINGS FROM HAPPENING … every time I feel disappointed that I haven’t yet got what I want! I START MORE GOOD THING HAPPENING … in the moment I feel appreciation for what I’ve already been given. I DECIDE what I focus my attention on. I DECIDE the direction my mood swings. I…