What Will You Choose?

I’M CHOOSING … to make today an even better day.
I’M CHOOSING … to raise my vibration.
I’M CHOOSING … to notice more of the most positive aspects that I always enjoy finding in others.
I’M CHOOSING … to feel peaceful, beautiful, blissful and free.
I’M CHOOSING … to align with my Source.
I’M CHOOSING … to set the tone of my day and allow the next fantastic thing I’ve dreamed, much more easily materialize right in front of me.


P.S. Just taking a few moments during my day to remember that I GET TO CHOOSE, to decide what that might be AND to feel my way into it, helps to reset my vibe. I love doing that! What things will you choose right now?

I Have The Power


The power to choose where I place my attention.
The power to decide which conversations I’ll engage in.
The power to take time out when I need it.
The power to stop expecting myself and others to behave so perfectly.
The power to think more positive thoughts, speak more supportive words
and to give unconditionally from my heart,
because it is who I intend to be.

~ from the author of 500 Confessions

The Best Things

THE BEST THINGS ALWAYS START – in my imagination, sown by desire, cultivated through belief, planted firmly with faith, fertilized by conversations, left to rest in the dark, expanded in the light, showered with abundant love, grown gently inside my heart and now they live and breathe and blossom magnificently, into MY version of living happily ever after.


It’s Good That I’m Not Perfect

If I was perfect you wouldn’t grow. You’d become dependent on me being there forever and forget the incredible feeling of success you have … when you reach for something you want and get there, all by yourself.

If I was perfect you wouldn’t be happy. You’d keep expecting me to be your entertainer, your mind reader, your rescuer, (your mother … lol) and never discover how brilliant you really are … when you need to step up and find happiness no matter where you are, no matter who you’re with and no matter what’s going on around you.

If I was perfect you wouldn’t know your own power. You’d keep expecting me to be the catalyst for your alignment and never get to experience the peace, the security and the immense appreciation you feel … when you realise you truly are the creator of your own life.

If I was perfect you wouldn’t become a leader. You’d keep putting me on a pedestal and try to knock me off instead of finding good reasons to lead the way … when you are faced with something so big that it requires you to lift yourself up and carry others along with you.

If I was perfect you wouldn’t learn how to love fully. You’d keep believing that love is about the worthiness of others instead of the incredible qualities you need to find deep inside yourself … when you have no other choice but to allow everything to be just as it is, or deny the amazing person you know you’re really capable of being.

~ (NEW Confession #676)

I Don’t Try To Fix Anyone



Instead I appreciate their positive aspects … then that’s the part they tend to show us more of. Appreciation is a powerful influencer. Can you remember how good it feels to be around certain people? They notice better aspects of our personality & it makes us shine. The best gift we can give another is to see them in their magnificence & in doing so, we also find it in ourselves.

~ 500 Confessions BOOK 1

The Power Of Woman


I am loving, I am beautiful, I am joyful, I am kind,
I am expansive, I am radiant, I have peace and clarity of mind.
I am magnetic, I am creative, I am receptive, I am inspiring,
I am original, I am abundant, I am graceful, I am amazing.

I am magnificent, I am protected, I am served and I’m adored,
I am treasured, I am admired and I am supported even more.
I am grateful, I am magical, I am power, I am light,
I am appreciative, I am valuable, I am wisdom, I have insight.

I am passion and inspiration and content I love to be,
I am in the flow, I am wealthy, I am wise, I am ME!

I am present, I am fulfilled, I am perfectly complete,
My emotions are empowering, from the heart I like to speak.
My body, mind and spirit are in total harmony.
I am blissful, I am ecstatic, I am healthy, I am FREE.

CONFESSION #440 ~ BOOK 1 and Unconditional Happiness