Today’s *FOCUS* Message

Good Things Keep Happening

… even if you’re not fully aligned,
even if you’ve made some mistakes,
even if you’re not yet high and happy,
even if you’ve temporarily lost your mojo,
even if you’re not at the peak of your game,
even if you’ve attracted something confronting,
even if you’re not feeling loving, or connected, or clear.

Good things keep happening, without needing to do anything at all.

Relax and allow. Relax and allow.
Receive the benefit now!

From Morning *FOCUS* Messages

I’m Aiming For Gentle Changes

Things To Leave Behind

… the idea that there are actually ‘toxic’ people to get rid of.
… conversations about the planet being in peril.
… trying so hard to be perfect.
… thoughts about being too fat, too thin, too insignificant, too overwhelmed, too useless.
… the belief I must have done something wrong to attract a negative situation in my life.
… the need to try and improve the way someone else dresses, speaks, thinks, looks, behaves.
… sharing bad news just to prove I’m normal.
… communicating while in a terrible mood.
… doubting my ability to contribute something useful to the world.
… fighting against a terminal diagnosis, a seemingly unchangeable situation or declaring it to be a tragedy.
… comparing my level of success to what someone else may or may not have achieved.
… pretending to be sad when someone dies.
… believing what’s being broadcast in the media.
… affirming the reasons why life isn’t the way I want it.
… the obsession to prove how right I am about it all.
… trying to get other people to agree.
… continuing to bring the past into the present.
… the notion that a particular group, a leader or the government need to be overthrown to make it a better world.
… doing something in an attempt to teach others a lesson.
… the willingness to defend, explain or apologise for anything at all.

Things To Do Instead

… notice that it’s simply my vibe that attracts certain people into my space and that I can change my attitude about them, any time I choose.
… explore more of the magnificence of this planet and see how incredibly well it adapts.
… let myself feel whatever I’m feeling without making myself or anyone else wrong.
… think more about my own positive aspects.
… allow what might seem like a negative situation, to turn naturally into a great benefit.
… genuinely compliment other people on their good points, or say nothing at all.
… share nice news, anytime I want.
… communicate while in a balanced mood, to make the best things even better.
… believe in my ability to contribute to the world, by being true to myself, my own needs, my inner desires.
… accept a medical diagnosis as it is, then let it pale into insignificance as I focus on things I really want to be, do and create instead.
… determine my level of success to be more about how fantastic I feel as I’m following my passions.
… remember that when someone dies, my connection to them still goes on, as I raise my vibration to meet their new one.
… believe in what I know to be true by how wonderful it feels when I contemplate it.
… affirm what I want and why I want it.
… decide what’s best for me and trust others to decide what’s best for them too.
… connect more often with what ‘my source’ knows to be true.
… look forward towards a brighter future.
… focus my attention on what’s already working, what’s incredibly beautiful and what is truly amazing about our world.
… have faith that other people will hear their own inner guidance as I stay silent about mine.
… stand with the knowing that I am perfect, you are perfect and we are perfect, just as we are.

Releasing Resistance – FOR MEN

“Releasing Resistance” is a 150 page book that takes you step by step through a series of 38 Highly Effective Leading Edge Processes, from Revealing your Silent But Deadly Beliefs, How To Make Things Happen Quicker, Beating Procrastination, Transforming Relationships, Overcoming Addictions to Starting Over so you can discover EXACTLY what’s been stopping you from having YOUR life, the way YOU want it!


before you set a new goal, why not do a 17 day process to release your resistance first. Then it's a given!



Who is this book for?

Releasing Resistance is for MEN who generally know what they need to do, but just can’t seem to do it!

If any area of your life feels stagnant, stale or stuck, whether it be in a relationship, the lack of relationship, money, health, home, work, your body or your business, you will be given the tools to help you get momentum flowing in a positive direction, steadily, increasing in intensity, while gently raising your vibration.

This book not only helps you find out exactly what’s been holding you back but gives you a systematic way so you can effectively, easily and sustainable LET GO those pesky little resistant things once and for all and LET IN the big things you really want to manifest instead!

How long does it take for things to manifest?

As long as it takes for you to RELEASE THE RESISTANCE!

How will this book benefit me?

This book contains proven and highly effective processes to release resistance, so that you can find relief, peace, contentment and joy more often, more consistently and more sustainably, without some other person or life condition needing to change.

It also contains leading edge answers to some very common questions.

  • What to do when you want to have better relationships.
  • What to do when you need to overcome addictions.
  • What to do when you don’t have enough money.
  • What to do when you are desperate to lose weight.
  • What to do when you haven’t been able to get what you want.
  • What to do when you need to release the resistance.
  • What to do when you doubt your abilities.
  • What to do when you keep procrastinating.
  • What to do when you think you’re too old, too ugly, too tired, too stupid or too broken etc.

Most times we think that it takes BIG changes to improve our lives, when really it’s the little everyday habits that hold us back the most. Silent self-criticism, getting up in a rush, worrying about things that may never happen, doing work out of obligation instead of joy, eating things we know aren’t good for us, watching the news, telling people what’s gone wrong instead of celebrating what’s going right, feeding our fears, doubting our own capabilities, getting upset about world events that we can’t possible change … what this book does is make changing ourselves easy! With this series of simple but powerful processes, the change happens inside us, which then manifests in the world around us. It helps us feel more purposeful, more aligned, more determined, more empowered and more confident to go out and truly live the lives, we secretly dream of living.

Improving your life starts with modifying the most simple, everyday thought patterns that we’re giving energy to, often without realizing. It works like a light dimmer switch. If you switch the light from fully-on to fully-off, you notice the difference immediately. But a small negative thought practiced occasionally, just dims your life force over time. But it will get your attention eventually. By then, you will notice it through outer physical manifestations, like health issues, decreased energy, tiredness, accidents, relationship challenges, work dissatisfaction, emotional instability, mood swings, unhappiness, addictions and drama.

The empowering processes contained in this book, while often simple, quick and easy to fulfill, hold a high potential for positive personal expansion. The concepts you are about to practice, require a slight shift in focus, conversation and habitual action in order to create the space to receive the things you would prefer to manifest in your life instead. Sometimes the biggest shift occurs when we realize we’ve been working way too hard to get what we want, and all it takes now is to let go the struggle, release the resistance and allow it to be easy.

Expect to receive those shifts, in your awareness, belief system, identity, habits, emotions and most importantly, in your results. The recommendation is to set a time of about 17 days to complete all the processes, and to get the most benefit.

I’m truly looking forward to hearing about what’s worked for you and how you may have modified any of the processes to suit your individual situation.

What feels right for you matters,


(AUTHOR of 500 Confessions and Releasing Resistance)


$6.99Buy On Amazon

My Soul Is Calling Me



to remember I have everything I need right now
to know that I am enough
to believe I am worth it
to trust the power of my deepest desires
to allow myself time to feel my inner guidance
to move forward when inspiration propels me there
to have faith in the love we all are at our core
to say YES to what I really want
to be true to myself
to feel my alignment with the peace inside me
to relax and float gently along with the current of pleasurable, joyful, ease and abundance.

500 Confessions BOOK 2

The Best Part Of Life Is Yet To Come



When I’m enchanted by the future and not obsessed with the past,
life takes on new meaning where no dark shadows can be cast.
There’s not one thing I can dream of that cannot be given,
By this abundant universe … vibrationally driven.

When I feel positive emotion all good things are drawn,
towards me with haste, soon after the thought has been born.
To live life with forward vision of what’s possible to create,
is more fulfilling than talking about the past for heavens sake.

When the time comes to ask someone, how have you been?
instead I prefer to say, tell me your dreams!
It inspires a more unique conversation, I’d say
and helps BOTH of us have a much brighter day.

You see, everything happens because of how we are feeling.
You know that positive emotions all inspire healing.
Let the next words you speak be of happiness and hope
And not about how you’re worried you won’t cope.

There’s one important piece of advice I’d like to impart,
to let the power of the universe be called through your heart.
Whatever you are wanting, relax your mind and allow
yourself to feel it as if you already have it right now.

No longer speak of the bad stuff, but let the good memories remain.
When you live like this, things will never be the same.
Our future hopes and dreams still keep calling us home,
for the very best part of life, is yet to come.


The Power Of Woman


I am loving, I am beautiful, I am joyful, I am kind,
I am expansive, I am radiant, I have peace and clarity of mind.
I am magnetic, I am creative, I am receptive, I am inspiring,
I am original, I am abundant, I am graceful, I am amazing.

I am magnificent, I am protected, I am served and I’m adored,
I am treasured, I am admired and I am supported even more.
I am grateful, I am magical, I am power, I am light,
I am appreciative, I am valuable, I am wisdom, I have insight.

I am passion and inspiration and content I love to be,
I am in the flow, I am wealthy, I am wise, I am ME!

I am present, I am fulfilled, I am perfectly complete,
My emotions are empowering, from the heart I like to speak.
My body, mind and spirit are in total harmony.
I am blissful, I am ecstatic, I am healthy, I am FREE.

CONFESSION #440 ~ BOOK 1 and Unconditional Happiness

I Create My Magnificent Life

I KNOW THAT I’M EXACTLY WHERE I NEED TO BE … and that it’s the perfect place from which to choose another new adventure or continue the one I’m already enjoying.

I AM THOUGHTFUL … of what I allow to soak into my mind. I reach for the most loving thoughts I can find. I am careful of the words that escape from my lips and I delight in spreading good news where ever I go.

I AM AWARE … that the entire universe is always bringing me cooperative people and circumstances that show me the most active thoughts vibrating through my energy field, even though it may not be apparent at the time.

I UNCONDITIONALLY ACCEPT … all people, all lifestyles, all choices, all religions, all beliefs and especially all of myself and know that each of us are doing the best we know how in every given moment.

I UNDERSTAND … that all emotions, all thoughts, all words, all deeds, all natural disasters, all world events are part of the whole and know that each situation gives me the perfect opportunity to decide what I prefer to focus on, find solutions for, make bigger or create more of.

I ALIGN MYSELF … with love, with happiness, with joy, with peace, with fun, (with any good feeling stuff) and with appreciation for “all that is”. In doing this, I effortlessly add even more value to the world … by just being me.

I USE MY MIND INTENTIONALLY … to focus on the good in myself, the best qualities in others and the greatest benefit in every situation.

I THRIVE ON BEING INVOLVED IN UPLIFTING CONVERSATIONS … that increase my life force, not draw energy away from it.

I FIND RELIEF IN ANY WAY I CAN … with no judgment about what is right or wrong, better or worse, good or bad and understand that it’s the “guilt” which keeps me stuck in a never-ending loop of pain, suffering and addiction. I chose to let go of guilt and enjoy my fucking life!

I THANKFULLY ACCEPT AND RECEIVE SUPPORT … on all levels, physical, emotional, mental, financial and spiritual … without having to work hard, without needing to strive, without defining a plan, without forcing an outcome … I simply notice how much I’ve already been given, spend as much time as I can in I deep appreciation of them and allow even more good things to come into my life.

I FIND THE SIMPLE THINGS IN LIFE TO BE PROFOUNDLY VALUABLE … the smell of freshly baked bread, the taste of the finest quality fudge, the sound of children laughing, the sight of two lovers connecting on the deepest level, the feeling of love inside my heart … and I allow plenty of space for delightful luxuries to nurture my material desires as well.

I DO WHATEVER FEELS RIGHT FOR ME … and no longer need other peoples approval, permission or understanding for anything. I’ve stopped explaining or justifying who I am, what I’m doing & where I am at and just quietly and happily live the life of my dreams.

I GO TO SLEEP PEACEFULLY … imagining happy things, uplifting things, pleasant things, beautiful things and wake up feeling refreshed with a smile of deep gratitude, simply for the gift of enjoying yet another day on this amazing planet.

I TRUST MY OWN INNER GUIDANCE … to lead me towards the light, to give me relief, to help me feel better, to answer my questions, to solve my problems, to fill me with passion, to show me real love and to provide eternal options for me to take, whenever I’m inspired to do so.

I ALLOW YOU THE SPACE TO BE WHO YOU ARE TOO … and encourage you to follow your own inner knowing. To feel in your heart if something is good, to sense in your soul if something is right … NOT to listen to what I or others might think is appropriate … and to always remember that YOU are the best boss, the clearest teacher, the most insightful guru and the truly magnificent creator of your own life.

I create my magnificent life and you are the master of yours too.

Unconditional Happiness – FOR WOMEN

Who is this book for?

Unconditional Happiness is for WOMEN who generally know what they need to do, but just can’t seem to do it!

If any area of your life feels stagnant, stale or stuck, whether it be in a relationship, the lack of relationship, money, health, home, work, your body or your business, you will be given the tools to help you get momentum flowing in a positive direction, steadily, increasing in intensity, while gently raising your vibration.

This book not only helps you find out exactly what’s been holding you back but gives you a systematic way so you can effectively, easily and sustainable LET GO those pesky little resistant things once and for all and LET IN the big things you really want to manifest instead!

How long does it take for things to manifest?

As long as it takes for you to RELEASE THE RESISTANCE!

How will this book benefit me?

This book contains proven and highly effective processes to release resistance, so that you can find relief, peace, contentment and joy more often, more consistently and more sustainably, without some other person or life condition needing to change.

It also contains leading edge answers to some very common questions.

  • What to do when you want to have better relationships.
  • What to do when you need to overcome addictions.
  • What to do when you don’t have enough money.
  • What to do when you are desperate to lose weight.
  • What to do when you haven’t been able to get what you want.
  • What to do when you need to release the resistance.
  • What to do when you doubt your abilities.
  • What to do when you keep procrastinating.
  • What to do when you think you’re too old, too ugly, too tired, too stupid or too broken etc.

Most times we think that it takes BIG changes to improve our lives, when really it’s the little everyday habits that hold us back the most. Silent self-criticism, getting up in a rush, worrying about things that may never happen, doing work out of obligation instead of joy, eating things we know aren’t good for us, watching the news, telling people what’s gone wrong instead of celebrating what’s going right, feeding our fears, doubting our own capabilities, getting upset about world events that we can’t possible change … what this book does is make changing ourselves easy! With this series of simple but powerful processes, the change happens inside us, which then manifests in the world around us. It helps us feel more purposeful, more aligned, more determined, more empowered and more confident to go out and truly live the lives, we secretly dream of living.

Improving your life starts with modifying the most simple, everyday thought patterns that we’re giving energy to, often without realizing. It works like a light dimmer switch. If you switch the light from fully-on to fully-off, you notice the difference immediately. But a small negative thought practiced occasionally, just dims your life force over time. But it will get your attention eventually. By then, you will notice it through outer physical manifestations, like health issues, decreased energy, tiredness, accidents, relationship challenges, work dissatisfaction, emotional instability, mood swings, unhappiness, addictions and drama.

The empowering processes contained in this book, while often simple, quick and easy to fulfill, hold a high potential for positive personal expansion. The concepts you are about to practice, require a slight shift in focus, conversation and habitual action in order to create the space to receive the things you would prefer to manifest in your life instead. Sometimes the biggest shift occurs when we realize we’ve been working way too hard to get what we want, and all it takes now is to let go the struggle, release the resistance and allow it to be easy.

Expect to receive those shifts, in your awareness, belief system, identity, habits, emotions and most importantly, in your results. The recommendation is to set a time of about 17 days to complete all the processes, and to get the most benefit.

I’m truly looking forward to hearing about what’s worked for you and how you may have modified any of the processes to suit your individual situation.

What feels right for you matters,


(AUTHOR of 500 Confessions and Unconditional Happiness)


$6.50Buy On Amazon