A BETTER IDEA … is only a new thought away. FINDING PEACE … is only a deep breath away. HELP … is only an outstretched hand away. IMPROVED HEALTH … is only a relaxed moment away. INCREASED SUCCESS … is only one more step away. BEING HAPPY … is only a choice away. A NEW…
Sit Back And Enjoy The Ride
CONFESSION #102 … I KNOW HOW TO GET WHAT I WANT Some people take action, some use visualization, some people pray, some just don’t know any way. But for me, I relax and I flow with the stream, and have faith that what’s happening will show me my dream. But my dream isn’t a bigger…
One Day I Just Decided To Give Up
ONE DAY I JUST DECIDED TO GIVE UP … … and I gave up all struggle, I gave up all resistance, I gave up all complaining, I gave up all contradictory thoughts, I gave up all limiting beliefs, I gave up all disempowering attitudes, I gave up all need to control, I gave up wanting…
I Like To Bring Out The Best In Everyone
I LIKE TO BRING OUT THE BEST IN EVERYONE I don’t want you to walk away just thinking I’m wonderful, I want you to walk away resonating deeply with your own version of magnificence. CONFESSION #252 ~ 500 Confessions BOOK 1
I Found It All Inside Me
I FOUND SATISFACTION INSIDE ME … when I stopped comparing myself to others. I FOUND FREEDOM INSIDE ME … when I stopped worrying what someone else might think. I FOUND EASE INSIDE ME… when I stopped trying so hard to be perfect, and right, and good. I FOUND BETTER HEALTH INSIDE ME … When I…
A Message To My Beloved
I accept, acknowledge and adore you for all that you are. I’ll help you to realise that you are so much more than you know. I vow to be true to ME and encourage you to be true to YOU too. Together we are moving into closer alignment, enjoying more lightness, love and laughter, sensing…
I Can Focus
CONFESSION #510 I CAN’T ALWAYS TURN NEGATIVE ENERGY TO POSITIVE, but I CAN focus on the positive aspects of what’s happening and give more power to that instead. I CAN find the blessing in every occurrence. I CAN see the best in my mate and feel better about who we both are. I CAN remember…
Don’t Let Problems Get You Down
Don’t ever let problems get you down. Something good comes out of every struggle, something that makes life way better than it could have possibly been otherwise.
Looking For Things That Feel Good
I ALWAYS FIND WHAT I’M LOOKING FOR … so instead of looking for reasons to feel bad, I’m always looking for things that make me feel fabulous, looking for things to rock my world, looking for things to surprise and thrill me, looking for things to appreciate greatly, looking for ways to make everything fun,…
It’s Best to Open My Heart Before I Open My Mouth
I have learned that it’s best to open my heart before I open my mouth. What comes out is more likely to light up someones life rather than add fuel to the fire! CONFESSION #394 – 500 Confessions BOOK 1
When Two Souls Are Guided Together
I WAS ALREADY HAPPY … but being in his presence, truly makes me shine. I WAS ALREADY WISE … but communicating with him expands my mind even wider, lifts my spirits even higher. I WAS ALREADY SECURE … but the way he reaches out to me with comforting words, thoughtful gestures and consistent energy, stabilizes…
The Power Of Unconditional Love
CONFESSION #184 I KNOW THE POWER OF UNCONDITIONAL LOVE When I am loved unconditionally, it blows my mind, but when I love someone else without expecting anything in return, it opens my heart and connects me to soul. ~ 500 Confessions
Turn The Shit Into Fertilizer
I DON’T HAVE A GREAT LIFE BECAUSE EVERYTHING GOES WELL I just accept that life has its ups and downs and choose to find creative ways to turn the shit into valuable fertilizer anyway … lol CONFESSIONS #352 – 500 Confessions BOOK 2
I Decide How I Want To Feel
Whenever I decide to feel honoured, appreciated and supported … the evidence that I am, shows itself to me. Whenever I decide to feel loved, cherished and adored … the evidence that I am, shows itself to me. Whenever I decide to feel successful, wealthy and free … the evidence that I am, shows itself…
When I Flow Love
CONFESSION #224 WHEN I FLOW LOVE … time disappears, differences become irrelevant, emotions flow freely, moods are elevated, hate is dissolved, wrongs are forgiven, wounds are healed, trouble turns to calm, doubt transforms into hope, physical distance is bridged, judgment is replaced with understanding, stress is released, agitation changes to patience, pain turns into relief,…
Starting Again Is Easier Than I Thought
TODAY IS THE FIRST DAY OF A BRAND NEW JOURNEY where I leave behind all unpleasant experiences from the past, pack and carry the memories I fondly cherish, make peace with what’s happening in the present and decide which adventures I’ll take in the future. No drama, no explanation, no more story to justify where I’ve come from, just a…
Taking A New Emotional Journey
I CAN FEEL HOW EASY IT IS … to bask in the beauty of nature … to enjoy the sounds of the birds chirping … to soak up the morning sunshine … to smell the deliciousness of coffee brewing … to think about my lover and know the warmth of his touch … to imagine…
Nothing Can Stop Me
NOTHING CAN STOP ME What I CAN do, is only limited by my desire to do it. My budget, is only limited by my creativity. My mood, is only limited by what I’m giving the most attention to. The quality of my life, is only limited by my story about it. The closeness of my…