TIP #55 I ONLY HAVE ONE TIP ON HOW TO GET WHAT YOU NEED Don’t wait for someone else to love you, to provide stability, to entertain, to help you grow, to make you feel like you matter or to give you a reason for living. Know that your inner being already gives you these things…
Life Is What I Make It
CONFESSION # 97 … LIFE IS WHAT I MAKE IT No one needs a life-coach, a therapist, a library of books, endless study material, a guru, a seminar or anything else to enjoy life to its fullest. I was NOT meant to struggle, to strive, to fight for my place, to work hard, to face…
A Powerful Relationship Strategy
CONFESSION #195 THE MOST POWERFUL RELATIONSHIP STRATEGY I’VE EVER USED is to think, speak and write about my mate the way I want to see him, to ignore negative reality and only focus on the positives. It has brought us back together after a breakup, transformed our moments into sublimely passionate but most important –…
Bringing Out The Best In Others
CONFESSION # 61 I CAN BRING OUT THE BEST IN ANYONE … I decided that no matter how the people around me are behaving, I can hold onto my faith in who I know they really are inside and then they pretty soon behave like that instead … It’s always my choice! I have the…
World Peace Begins With ME
I ONCE CLAIMED I WANTED WORLD PEACE But when I really thought about it, I would have been condemning someone else’s choices in order to get it. That’s not real peace, that’s conditional righteousness. Now I prefer to claim the “peace in my heart” which starts as an inner journey that I choose to take quietly, gently and…
I Just Want You To Be You
I JUST WANT YOU TO BE “YOU” IN YOUR AUTHENTIC AND REAL STATE … not some contrived person like our parents, our teachers, our culture or our religion taught us to be – just be who you really are, express where you’re really at, and I know that pretty soon, you’ll be feeling your magnificent…
I Use Energy Wisely
I’M NOT NORMAL … it’s true! I don’t waste energy complaining about what’s broken. I use it wisely to notice what’s working. I don’t talk badly about myself or others. I talk about our better qualities instead. I don’t expect the worst. I imagine the best. I don’t care to listen endlessly to the problems.…
I Don’t Make Promises
CONFESSION # 15 I DON’T MAKE PROMISES A promise is a pledge we make in an “attempt” to repair a mistake we made in the past, to keep what we have in the present the same way forever, or to make the future more predictable. Promises we make to other people just to keep them happy or…
I Am At Peace
I AM AT PEACE not because my life is any better than yours, not because I fought hard to get it and not because I was born lucky. I’m at peace because no matter who I’m with, where I am or what’s going on in the world, I only focus my attention on things that…
CONFESSION 502 … it all begins today
IT ALL BEGINS TODAY more fun, more laughter, more joy, more light-heartedness, more delight, more intimacy, more deliciousness, more pleasure, more excitement, more touching, more loving, more ecstasy, more bliss, with a little bit of drama thrown in for variety 😉 CONFESSION #502
Words That Soothe And Strengthen
I bet it will turn out better than you think. You’ve always worked things out before. This will be alright too. There’s a place inside you that’s calm and settled. You’ll find relief soon. I trust you can do it. I believe in you. I know how amazing YOU really are. ~ from the author…
It’s Good That I’m Not Perfect
If I was perfect you wouldn’t grow. You’d become dependent on me being there forever and forget the incredible feeling of success you have … when you reach for something you want and get there, all by yourself. If I was perfect you wouldn’t be happy. You’d keep expecting me to be your entertainer, your…
I Don’t Make A Resolution Once A Year!
I MAKE A NEW RESOLUTION “EVERY DAY” I decide how I want to feel and take a few moments to imagine what that’s like. Ahhhhhh, resolution already achieved. ~ from the author of 500 Confessions
How To Let Go Resistance
Tip #73 I ONLY HAVE ONE TIP ON HOW TO LET GO RESISTANCE Stop doing what you keep on doing, stop thinking what you keep on thinking and stop talking about what you keep on talking about that keeps you feeling stuck right where you are. Think, say and do the things that make you…
The Only Thing That Matters
THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS IS WHERE I AM RIGHT NOW I’m not a failure, I’m just learning more. Nothing is wrong, in fact everything is going perfectly right. I don’t hate my ex, I just got clearer about the relationship I really want. I’m not always disconnected, quite often I feel the fullness of…
There Are Things I Just Won’t Do
THERE ARE THINGS I JUST WON’T DO If a thought doesn’t make me happy … then I won’t think it! If a conversation doesn’t sound uplifting … then I won’t get involved in it! If a news story doesn’t feel good … then I won’t watch it! If a belief limits my potential … then…
I Always Get What I Want
I ALWAYS GET WHAT I WANT … especially: When I use my mind to focus on where I want to go, When I use my heart to show me the way, When I use my feelings to know if I’m on track and When I use the powers of the universe to bring me everything my…
If Only We Knew – a poem to enjoy the moment
Shall I wriggle my way under your arm, Your open heart to hold, Warm your body with my own and caress your waiting soul I’ll place my head on your shoulder, Run my fingers through your hair, And be silent as I feel you, Blessed with gentle kisses everywhere. Let’s enjoy this precious moment, For…