When you focus on PAIN, you notice the pain, and make it bigger, so big that you can’t feel anything else. When you focus on something that makes you SMILE, you notice more of what makes you smile, and make it bigger, so big that you really can’t see anything else. When you focus on…
You Can’t Make Me Be A Better Person
CONFESSION #393 YOU CAN’T HARASS ME INTO BEING A BETTER PERSON you can’t discipline me into doing what’s right, you can’t make rules that place me on a safer path, you can’t point out my weakness and bring out my strengths, you can’t demand that I change and have it be a lasting one You…
Sometimes I Say Stupid Things
CONFESSION # 66 SOMETIMES I SAY STUPID THINGS … to lighten the mood, to break a negative pattern, to make others laugh, to move some energy and to remind myself that I don’t need to have a repertoire, be particularly intelligent or even charming to add value to this world and make someone else smile. ~…
The Only Truth I Ever Look For
CONFESSION # 73 THE ONLY TRUTH I EVER LOOK FOR is evidence that I am fantastic. Everything else to the contrary is irrelevant. Seriously! ~ 500 Confessions BOOK 1
My Ten Commandments
MY TEN COMMANDMENTS (simple strategies to help me live a more fulfilled life) 1. Breathe deeper (always helpful). 2. Take notice of what I’m thinking now and make sure it’s about things I DO want, not about what I don’t. 3. Only get involved in conversations that are uplifting. 4. Spend as much time as…
I Decide What Life Means To Me
CONFESSION #338 I DECIDE WHAT LIFE MEANS TO ME I love getting bills – because it means I have the money to pay them. I love having issues – because it means I have the ability to overcome them. I love hearing a different opinion – because it means I have an opportunity to change…
How To Feel Loved Quickly
I DISCOVERED HOW TO FEEL LOVED QUICKLY Choose someone to love, find reasons to love them, write about the love, speak about love, do things that feel loving and revel in it as much as I can absolutely anyone will do!
There’s Nothing Wrong At All
I ONCE THOUGHT THAT THERE MUST BE SOMETHING WRONG WITH ME … when I didn’t feel like going out, when I didn’t feel much like talking to others, when it just didn’t feel right to engage fully with the world! Then it dawned on me, MY SPIRIT IS SPEAKING … and preparing me physically, mentally and emotionally,…
I Don’t Need Someone To Love
I’M SO MUCH IN LOVE just thinking about love, playing with love, remembering love, expanding the love, enjoying love, imagining love, expressing love, sharing love, shining the light of love, immersing myself in love, attracting love, living this moment with love, being love. Elizabeth xox
I Like It That You Love Me
CONFESSION #340 I LIKE IT THAT YOU LOVE ME but most of all, I love it when YOU LOVE YOU. ~ 500 Cconfessions BOOK 1
Things Are Going To Change
This morning I woke up feeling off physically, mentally and emotionally, so I lay there longer in the hope that I’d feel better soon. Often just relaxing, breathing deeper and looking around to find things to be thankful for helps me bound out of bed with renewed vigour. But today, none of my regular morning rituals seemed to…
I Can Change My Life In About 10 Minutes
I might not be with my wonderful man right at this moment, but in 10 minutes I can open myself completely to remembering the deepest connection, unconditional support and Divine Joy he brings to my life. I might not have the most streamlined body at the moment, but in 10 minutes I can list heaps…
The Universe Is On My Side
If you don’t think the Universe is conspiring to assist us all, then you forgot to watch the sun come up, without anyone needing to pay for it, making a business plan to get it, setting an intention about it, consciously asking for it, praying over it or begging for it. Nature always adapts, bodies…
Unconditional Love Is Everywhere
I SEE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE EVERYWHERE … ready to be acknowledged in any moment. It’s the part of me that gets totally energized when I’ve opened up to another solution. It’s the part of me that overflows with an understanding of what someone else might be going through. It’s the part of me that feels my…
I Live My Dreams Into Life
I LIVE MY DREAMS INTO LIFE I imagine I have something before it even shows up. I pretend I am someone before anyone else even notices. I behave as if the world is my oyster … and then as if by magic, it opens up and presents me with the clearest and shiniest pearl in…
I Take Care Of Myself
I’M PAMPERING MYSELF AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE I’m hanging around people who are fun to be with, I’m taking more time out when something seems hard, I’m no longer assuming responsibility for how other people are feeling, I’m doing what seems right to me, I’m expecting wonderful things to happen, I’m deciding that life can…
There Are Times I Cry
EVEN WHEN THINGS ARE REALLY GOOD there are times I cry, times I feel alone, times I think I’m lost and I just wanna go home. So I decide to make peace with where I am and trust my inner self has a grander plan. I don’t make big decisions while I’m feeling down, I…
I Only Listen To What I Want To Hear
I HAVE SELECTIVE HEARING Instead of paying attention to the statistics that gave me a higher chance of getting cancer, I decided to “listen to my own inner being” who told me I have a good chance to live a long, healthy, happy, energized, passionate and love-filled life instead. ~ an excerpt from 500 Confessions…